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Thinking about streaming games...

Kamen Rider Kuuga

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I don't know why, but there are times when I'm playing a game and think to myself hat it would be kind of near to have others watch me do it. Maybe I've been watching others do it too much...


But if I were to do it...


1) I would not have a camera on myself wile doing it. I don't know why people do that; it distracts from the game, which is what people want to see. I don't think about watches a stream of a game for the face of the person playing.


2) By extension of above, no scare cams. Mainly because I don't play horror games, but also because fake fear and screaming do not make for enjoyment.


3) Commentary. This is the slippery slope that leads to annoying things like singing along with the game, or making unfunny jokes. Also, even if YOU don't think your vice is annoying, others MIGHT, so it's best to just avoid it.


As for what I would stream... mainly older games, GBA and below. The most recent game I would ever play would be like... Torchlight 2, and even then, I would have to be bored out of my skull to stream that. If I had a big enough gathering of viewers, I would likely leave what I play up to them on a given system.


I don't know... is this a really bad idea? Am I an idiot for wanting to try this?

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I say, why not ? If you feel like it then go for it ! 

I might even watch from time to time... :) 

I beg to differ about the commentary thing though, you don't have to tell jokes, and if someone doesn't like your voice they can watch something else.


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Hell, give it a try. You have nothing to lose. You also learn a thing or two about video editing (I can give some pointers about software and preferred render settings if you want)  and if you do, post the link so we can subscribe.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest flingingfeces

I think a lot of people like to see the reactions of the person playing the game at some points,  but doing it the entire time doesn't really make a sense.  I used to do this back in the day on youtube and people loved it,  but I usually started the video out explaining the controls and what I was playing and then panned into the game full screen and threw my commentary in.  I have a baaaaaaad Texas accent, but it also made people laugh which made it even more fun so I wouldn't worry about you voice to much and just be yourself. 


Anyway I think this is a great idea and it would be awesome to see someone playing older games.  I hope you start doing them cuz I look forward to checking them out.

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Guest Shendar

Give it a try and see if you like it. It's all about sharing your gameplay experience with people in a way you like (unless you stream for a living). You can always quit, take a break or change your streaming rules. Besides, both registration and streaming software are absolutely free.


As for commentary/cam choice... I absolutely hate cams and let's plays. I mean, sometimes I just want to watch good gameplay, not some soap opera live show. But that's just my personal opinion.

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