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Suggestions for a Kitsune Mod

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Heyo! I'm currently working on adding a kitsune culture. Largely inspired by the kitsune found in mods for CK2 like ToNT and LF, the mod currently adds traits, religions, cultures, as well as a decision to allow you to become a kitsune and visit a spirit realm. Here are some screenshots showcasing what I've done so far. Nothing is final, and all of the pictures are currently placeholder. One thing I hope to change is the art, making it more in line with the painted coloring of typical base-game artwork, but finding applicable Kitsune-related art with the appropriate theme is difficult, and some of it is reused from the CK2 mods. That said, everything that was reused is in the process of being replaced as I am typing this. I'm planning on adding custom backgrounds should I be able to find appropriate art for them and figure out how to implement them correctly (if you know of any, let me know!), as well as adding a mana system to allow for kitsune magic, such as being able to shape your body to your whims or influence (or maybe attack) others.


Currently, one thing that is a bit of a roadblock to making the mod anything extremely special is my absolute incompetence at writing and lack of creativity. When it releases I might look at allowing others to contribute far more interesting writing as well.


Anyway, on to what this thread is really about: the mod isn't anywhere near completion, and before I release it, I'd like to ask what sort of stuff are you people interested in seeing out of a Kitsune mod for CK3?


Other than 3d models and animations, that's a given. I'd like to know what features to plan for as planning for said features makes the process of actually adding them a heck of a lot easier.





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5 hours ago, adam110311 said:

well something that i personally have been missing in a lot of mods is buildings and men at arms, stuff like a buildable temple upgradable according to your number of tails would be cool if its possible.


honestly its great to see some of the mods concepts from ck2 to ck3 

Men at Arms was actually something I've been seriously considering, although I'm a little torn as to whether the men-at-arms should be for Kitsune based off of the trait or based off the culture - basing it off the culture would allow for traditional japanese stuff like Ashigaru or Samurai, but basing it off of traits would allow for anyone to use them. Maybe a mix of both, I can't really say until I investigate further.


But something I didn't even consider was buildings! That's actually a really good idea, and thanks for mentioning it. I don't think I could add custom building models for the map, and I don't know how to add custom pictures for buildings (albiet a part of that is I haven't really tried yet), though I suppose I could probably reuse existing stuff if necessary.

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Interactions with existing religions, cults, heresies and the like is something that felt lacking from some other mods that added custom religions and cultures - and obviously, though would likely be about as down the road as 3d anims/models, integration with other mods when they eventually form would be something to think about now; particularly ones that may add other mythological creatures.


Also for now 'now' fun 'mini adventure' style event chains that can be turned on or off for those that wish; 'Fox hunt (GONE SEXUAL!)', Perhaps a way to steal a fox spirit's starball (or have your own stolen as a fox spirit) to be held for a favor or power, or maybe even things based off of stories involving fox spirits (not even explicitly 'kitsune') from across the areas they feature. I recall one (though I cannot remember the name) that featured a more malevolent fox spirit that hunted merchants along the West Asian sections of the 'Silk Road'.

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5 hours ago, Lapsa said:

Interactions with existing religions, cults, heresies and the like is something that felt lacking from some other mods that added custom religions and cultures - and obviously, though would likely be about as down the road as 3d anims/models, integration with other mods when they eventually form would be something to think about now; particularly ones that may add other mythological creatures.


Also for now 'now' fun 'mini adventure' style event chains that can be turned on or off for those that wish; 'Fox hunt (GONE SEXUAL!)', Perhaps a way to steal a fox spirit's starball (or have your own stolen as a fox spirit) to be held for a favor or power, or maybe even things based off of stories involving fox spirits (not even explicitly 'kitsune') from across the areas they feature. I recall one (though I cannot remember the name) that featured a more malevolent fox spirit that hunted merchants along the West Asian sections of the 'Silk Road'.

Interactions with other religions sound pretty cool, although I'm not exactly sure how I'd do that. I can't think of any base-game religions that have cool or unique interactions with eachother aside from stuff like conversion events and holy wars. Also, if other mods are created which add creatures, it shouldn't be too hard to create a compatibility patch to go alongside them, if it's even necessary in the first place. I was pretty careful to minimize the amount of files I overwrote from the base-game.


Star balls is something I actually had never heard of before you mentioned it, but it sounds like an interesting concept. I could see it relating to scheming or other purposes, maybe even tying into your magical capability. If it's taken away, you can't cast magic until it's returned. The trick there would be creating the events and mechanics in a way that would tie two characters together mechanically, rather than simply being a player-side illusion.


I am planning on adding random event chains such as that whenever I add a patch for Carnalitas. Events like that really shook things up in CK2 during long stretches of not really doing very much, and there were a few I was a little surprised didn't have versions for both sides of the encounter. What if you're the one being hunted? Spooky. Adding the ability to turn them on or off is something I'm not really 100% on how to do at the moment, but I can always look at how mods like Carnalitas handles game rules.


Now that you mention it, I ought to do some reading on kitsune and fox spirit tales in general. Considering how long the mythology has been around, I figure there's lots of good tales to adapt into events in-game, maybe also put a lewd spin on things in the patch lol. I'm still not really confident in my writing skills or creativity though, as you can see by the images I posted lol. Thanks!

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In relation to what interactions with other religions would be; even something as simple as opinion modifiers or unique things for non-Shinto fox spirits (since the concept of fox spirit is found in several religions - perhaps a fox's powers and abilities change depending on which religion they adhere to? Just something to shake things up and add interesting dynamics for people that play for more than porn!). For other mods I mostly meant - more so than just compatibility  - content.  So events, decisions, modifiers, etc for fox spirits interacting with stuff like vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, and especially other similar creatures they traditionally interact with in their respective stories.


For how to turn event chains 'on' and 'off' - most other mods use a variable for flag that can be set 'on' or 'off' at the start of the game - where setting the flag or variable 'on' is one of the conditions for the events to fire in the first place. I only recommend it because some of the event chains for some mods for ck2 can get a bit spammy - and ones that add npcs can sometimes be a bit immersion breaking. And being hunted is what I meant! There are several fun directions (and fun potential interactions) that can come from such a thing - especially depending on the kind of hunt (a traditional dog-driven hunt or a more 'witch-hunt' style thing).


And I would absolutely recommend reading legends and stuff - not just about fox spirits in Japan but from a lot of different religions and cultures. They are all fairly interesting and share a fair number of commonalities in how they are portrayed, especially along the 'Silk Road' where as I said I remember stories with settings as far out as West Asia. And no problem! It took ages for there to be a kitsune mod for ck2, so I'm glad to see ck3 is getting it early!

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