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CTD on launch, need .ini files

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So, I was trying to get the mod skyshade working (for my personal sloot painting gallery ;)) and for some reason I get a CTD with this mod in my load order. I've tested the mod on a profile with only UIExtentions and SkyUI (its prerequisites) and it still CTDs.


It seems like no one else is having this problem and I'm at my wit's end. So the only thing I can think of is that my .ini files are tweaked in a way that messes this mod up.


long story short, if anyone could share their (preferably close to vanilla) skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and skee64.ini files I'd highly appreciate it. The ones on the internet are either old or tweaked to hell.



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Just delete your ini files (or move them outside of the default location) and launch the SkyrimSELauncher.exe. It will generate new ini files. For the skee64.ini you can get the default one from the Racemenu download. No idea why you think it's an ini problem or why the skee64.ini in particular would be related to your crashes.


That mod contains a dll tho, so it might be that it's not compatible with your SKSE version. I just tested in 2.0.17 and didn't got a crash. 

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17 minutes ago, Just Don't said:

Just delete your ini files (or move them outside of the default location) and launch the SkyrimSELauncher.exe. It will generate new ini files. For the skee64.ini you can get the default one from the Racemenu download. No idea why you think it's an ini problem or why the skee64.ini in particular would be related to your crashes.


That mod contains a dll tho, so it might be that it's not compatible with your SKSE version. I just tested in 2.0.17 and didn't got a crash. 

Yeah I was suspecting it was the dll but I was trying to be optimistic and see if I can fix it.  I'm running 2.0.16 so that's that probably.

Thanks for your response anyway.

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17 minutes ago, Just Don't said:

Sadly that mod is in the caretaker so I don't think it'll be updated. Any reason to stay in 2.0.16? I think most mods are available for 2.0.17 already (even some were updated for .18/.19). I know dealing with updates is tedious, but .17 has been around for ~10 months now.

Nah I just don't like updates, just like everyone else. But looks like it's time.

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