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WCIF- SIMS 4: Searching for a special/specific Piercing for SIMS 4- CAS-CCC

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Hello Simmers,
I am looking for a very specific Piercing for SIMS 4 CAS-  CCC.
I have already searched Google and all the websites that the Internet has to offer, such as TSR, modthesims, etc.
Unfortunately, I haven't found anything to this day.


Now I hope that you can help me:

Based on the pictures, I will describe this very specific Piercing to you and how it could be call:








It is a ring that is worn - individually or on both sides - above the side and above the mouth on / above the upper lip. 
This Piercing is actually called Madonna / Angelbite or Monroe Piercing. 


I am ONLY looking for the RING variant for the upper lips for SIMS 4 CAS, as you can see in the pictures above. 


The whole thing should not cost anything, so be freely available! 


If there is really no CAS custom content for these Piercing rings, is it possible to create it yourself with "Sims 4 Studio" ?? 
In this context I have also read about a so-called "Move Objects-To XYZ" file: 
Is it not possible to assign this "Piercing Ring Object"  to a very specific point on the upper lips? 
How would the whole thing affect mouth movements and possible pixel appearances in gameplay? 


For now that's a lot of questions. 


Mainly, I am primarily concerned with this piercing ring. 


Unfortunately, I am not at all familiar with Sims 4 Studio.  So I need some extra tips/tutorials and tricks on how to create such piercing rings. 



Thank you in advance for your support and help! 

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