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TTW Character Dying From Sleep Deprevation

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Ok, so this has been going on for pretty much my entire TTW run. My character dies, reload a save, continue on what i was doing, then suddenly Fatal Sleep Deprevation... but the problem is i'm not playing on Hardcore mode. im playing on medium difficulty non hardcore. i've been using the Player.modav Sleepdeprevation -1000 command, still randomly kills me. My current belief is its Sexout Tryout or Sexout Quest TTW Overhaul's scanner, as the console references actors being found, then says Player is having sex when the PC isn't, im moving about like normal.



  0  0     FalloutNV.esm
  1  1     DeadMoney.esm
  2  2     HonestHearts.esm
  3  3     OldWorldBlues.esm
  4  4     LonesomeRoad.esm
  5  5     GunRunnersArsenal.esm
  6  6     Fallout3.esm
  7  7     Anchorage.esm
  8  8     ThePitt.esm
  9  9     BrokenSteel.esm
 10  a     PointLookout.esm
 11  b     Zeta.esm
 12  c     CaravanPack.esm
 13  d     ClassicPack.esm
 14  e     MercenaryPack.esm
 15  f     TribalPack.esm
 16 10     TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm
 17 11     YUPTTW.esm
 18 12     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.esm
 19 13     Sexout.esm
 20 14     SexoutCommonResources.esm
 21 15     FalloutTTWquestoverhaul.esp
 22 16     SexoutSoliciting.esm
 23 17     SexoutSlavery.esm
 24 18     SexoutTryout.esm
 25 19     SexoutPregnancyV3.esm
 26 1a     SexoutOffSpring.esm
 27 1b     Maternity Pack Overkill.esp
 28 1c     Fertile Breeder.esp
 29 1d     FBCaptured.esp
 30 1e     FBZeta.esp
 31 1f     FBJade.esp
 32 20     FBDCBreeder.esp
 33 21     SexoutWorkingGirl.esp
 34 22     SexoutKennel.esp
 35 23     SexoutDrugging.esm
 36 24     FBFarm.esp
 37 25     NVWillow.esp
 38 26     Kidnapped by Fiends.esm
 39 27     WMIMNV.esp
 40 28     MPO scriptaddon TTW.esp
 41 29     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.esp
 42 2a     SexoutConsequences.esp
 43 2b     SexoutTTWEncounters.esp
 44 2c     SexoutKennelShow.esp
 45 2d     SexoutSoliciting-DLC.esp
 46 2e     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Store.LITE.esp
 47 2f     Mojave Pimp.esp
 48 30     SexoutLoversBed.esp
 49 31     Sexout-kidnapped-by-fiends.esp
 50 32     SexoutRex.esp
 51 33     SexoutRexWillow.esp
 52 34     SexoutDogSexTTW.esp
 53 35     SexoutWillow.esp
 54 36     Weapon Retexture Project.esp
 55 37     WRP - TTW.esp
 56 38     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Honest.Hearts.Grunt.Patch.esp
 57 39     Weapons.of.the.New.Millenia.Leveled.Lists.esp
 58 3a     M1897.esp
 59 3b     Roberts_NewVegas.esp
 60 3c     josexysleepwear.esp
           TTW SM and Ghouls FIX_AWOPFO3.esp
 61 3d     TTW SM and Ghouls FIX.esp
 62 3e     MPO scriptaddon Tryout.esp
 63 3f     1nivRobertCockBox.esp
 64 40     SexoutLust.esp
 65 41     SmallerTalk.esp
 66 42     Maternity Pack Overkill TTW32addon.esp
 67 43     RemoveWorkstationNeeds.esp
 68 44     SexoutSpunk.esp
 69 45     CASM with MCM.esp
 70 46     PittGalStatsFix.esp
 71 47     SexoutFadeToBlack.esp
 72 48     The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
 73 49     SexoutAnimManagement.esp
 74 4a     SexoutPosNew.esp


I just want this bug gone, idc if its a script that sets player sleep deprevation levels to 0 every 5 minutes or something but please i need help, its happening too often to ignore any longer

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Have had this problem a couple of times on fallout nv.  I found somebody had posted a way to get through it a while ago.  Not sure if it was on here, but it goes like this:

1. turn on godmode (console, "tgm")

2. wait 4 -5 days in game time.  When the sleep meter hits critical your character will fall over but should not die.  After 4 - 5 days they will stand back up but still be on critical sleep deprivation.

3. use the player.modav to remove the terminal sleep deprivation

4. turn off godmode (same console command)

They originally had a step in there to save after turning on godmode and then load it but I don't believe I found that necessary but I could be wrong.  Probably pay to save to an empty slot all the same.  I have to say that when I have had it happen it normally coincides with consumption of alcohols, which I think may be tied to tryout.  But I don't have it happen too often.  Hope this helps.

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