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[Search] Lacy long gloves with flared cuffs and laced section

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I'm looking for lacy long gloves with the following features:



translucent lacy fabric, sparser pattern is ideal (like left pic)



long enough to reach the puffed shoulder piece (like left pic)


Laced Section:

a laced up criss-cross section (like right pic)


Flared Cuffs:

a flared cuff section (like right pic)


Tapered End: (optional?)

that tapering (triangular) end to the sleeves that ties around the base of the middle finger (like left pic)


If all of these features can't be found on a single piece, I would love suggestions for parts that I can kit-bash together to achieve something similar.

In that case, the forearm section can even be leather or similar thicker material.

The laced up criss-cross section is a motif to match 2B's boots.

The flared cuffs help hide some wrist fuckiness from one of the animation sets that I love.

The rest of the outfit is a slightly edited COCO 2B wedding outfit in case you want the reference.

Yes, I've tried editing together the two pieces that I have, but the variety of lace patterns makes it very cluttered.




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Well I found three that're kinda close but definitely no cigar.


Gothic Lynn

Gothic Girls

Mystic Enchantress


Just gonna leave the names here in case anyone else is looking for something similar.

I don't know what the linking policy on this site is anymore but you should be able to find them on Skyrim blogs.

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