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thanks all. is it just me or does anyone else hate them? the biggest irk is if you finish the companions quests and are no longer a werewolf but they still make the "hair-out-of-ears" comments and smelling like a wet dog.

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While I don't appreciate the condescending sweetroll comments and IRL have a problem with cops, in fantasy settings I have a thing for town guards. The problem of corrupt guards, lazy guards, or ones who are just assholes is still there of course, but somehow in my brain guards=/=police. Probably just a helmet/uniform fetish lol, but the nicer comments Skyrim guards have out weigh the rude ones imo. Staying safe? Everything alright? Another quiet day... I hope.


Now that one dude in Falkreath, who is SO racist that he hates you even if you're another Nord dude... #1 worst person in Tamriel. Also, Vigilents of Stendarr. Even the Thalmor are more polite than those pricks. >:T

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