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Black screen when SL animations play

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I am experiencing a black screen that takes up about 2/3 of the screen when entering into SL animations. Funny thing is... everything worked fine until I started editing presets with bodyslide. To be honest, it was my first time using it and I'm not sure if I did something to create this problem. I was wondering if anyone could give me any clues on where to start.


So far, I have used the MCM to clean SL. I uninstalled it and reinstalled (did this for all SL related mods). I'm going to create new character and see if it happens on a new save. Anybody have this problem?

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Have you install any new mod?

There is a mod called "Fade to black" that has this function and I think there are some mods that has this function too.


Also you can try disable HDT-PE, in some case incompatibility between HDT xml config and skeleton can cause distortion or display anomaly.

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1 hour ago, RedMonika said:

Maybe you're using the SFW edition?


I couldn't imagine this being the cause. Can you throw up a screen shot and your load order? These might help. Are you using an ENB and if so, which one and what binaries?


It was working fine before, so I don't think is the SFW edition. I have 214 active plugins. I'm not sure how to create a list other than bunch of screen shots. Is there an easy way to accomplish this that I just don't know about? I also don't know how to find out what binaries, but I am using enbseries_skyrimse_v0417. 

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It had something to do with the mod SlaveTats. I couldn't come up with a fix for it even after unapplying the mod's effects on my character and uninstalling it. I ended up having to go back to the save that I had before I installed the mod, because all of the subsequent saves were corrupted to the point where they would load into a black screen. I ended up losing about 30 hours of gameplay because I had to go from save 37 to save 14. It is what it is I guess. Thanks for the responses.


Has anyone else had this problem with the SlaveTats mod?

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