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Small Height fix?

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Is there a fix/patch for characters with small heights? I have a custom follower that has a short height and I use Sexlab defeat. So when an enemy NPC assaults my follower, the former is just fucking air and not even penetrating the latter. It's a bit annoying to see and I don't want to change my follower to a normal height, the cute factor disappears.

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It's sad that different height characters aren't aligning properly, but as animations aren't dynamic with latch-on properties for bones, instead using static movements, any body size not aligned to the norm will look weird. The equalize actor size-option in Sexlab is a quick-fix to make the animations at least line up as properly as possible, but that also removes the size change, so yea, no good there.

Making something work would be difficult i imagine, as animations for different-size characters would need specified relative sizes, and then have animations made specifically for them. Independent animation packs for specific heights, so to speak. It'd also need the proper sexlab-tags to be used properly for short characters, which I'm not sure exists currently.


Some current animations do work regardless of size however (mostly), typically cowgirl or laying variants.

I, too, enjoy making shorter characters, so I feel this problem a lot as well.

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3 hours ago, Wataterp3 said:

Is there a fix/patch for characters with small heights? I have a custom follower that has a short height and I use Sexlab defeat. So when an enemy NPC assaults my follower, the former is just fucking air and not even penetrating the latter. It's a bit annoying to see and I don't want to change my follower to a normal height, the cute factor disappears.


What scale is this follower?

Reason I ask that anything under a .1 difference will still, roughly, align (certainly shouldn't have characters fucking the air) but any actor under .93 scale Sexlab should not even work for them. I could be wrong there but I understood that was one of the flags that would stop it functioning.

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