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Any MM or FF animator recs?


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Looking for more MM and FF animations for my game, but there's a ton of animators and a lot that stay out of the WW or animations sections and are kinda hidden/niche as a result. Does anyone have animator recommendations? 

Creators I've already downloaded from are: lupobianco, motherlodesims, bioaddict, cherrypie, mike24, OLL/oohlala, Salarmoj, sucre, Amra72, Azmodan, Dagger, RLo, wild_guy


Not to be picky but I prefer animations that are smooth enough to blend with maxis animations/my gameplay. I also morally can't support creators that make bestiality animations.


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ErrorPhillips404 makes some very smooth animations for FF/MF. I don't think she has a lot of MM right now, but I believe its in the works OR its only on Patreon right now. She's one of my favorite creators. There was an animator who did exclusively MM animations, but I don't know if they are still creating and they usually posted outside of the WW thread.

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