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Anyone know which mod this is (default top F)?


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I'm trying to find out which default replacement top this is, attempting to narrow down my mods list and I really can't track this one down. I'm not sure whose mesh this is, it was most likely included in someone's tray model folder, but it seems to have stuck even after I've removed it.


I've gone through the list twice and removed any default replacement I could find and it still shows, instead of the standard texture (which I assume shouldn't have traced nipples).





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Well damn... facepalming right now. I didn't know there was one included with WW, I thought it just uses the game's default texture. I was cleaning up my mod folder and trying to redo everything from scratch.

Thank you very much @2cool4u_1! Been trying like mad to find out how it got in the mods folder lmao.

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