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[LifePlay] Dungeon Mod V3


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Dungeon Mod V3 for

This is an extension to the Demo version, Anyone using DungeonModV2 should completly remove it. This will not overwrite old files, but V2 may cause problems with this mod or the game.
What is included
10 single cells, Double cells are no longer used. (more could be added if people think they are needed)
A group room, Send up to 3 slaves here from the single cells for group play.
Slave obediance, raises from actions.
Slave fear, also raises from actions, degrades over time.
Slave breakdown, If fear goes over 100 obediance will drop.
Slave sales, based on obediance+.Money amounts will be tuned later.
The kidnap options from DungeonV2.(University and Someone known)
What isnt included yet.
Group room functions, Currently the group room only has two actions, and these dont effect stats.
Harem, Once slave obediance reaches 100+ you will be able to move them into your home(but not yet).
Other ingame kidnap options, these all need a rewrite.
Fluff stuff, build cost, conversations, basic filler.
Quirks, each slave will have a random action that has a much greater impact on stats.
To Install
Unpack into the Lifeplay main folder(where Lifeplay.exe is)
End result should look like this "LifePlay\LifePlay\Content\Modules\LL_SlaveTrainer\"
If the "LL_SlaveTrainer" folder isnt in Modules, One of us did something wrong!
Enable LL_SlaveTrainer in the mods menu.
To use
Menu/Crime/Dungeon - Build and visit your Dungeon
Menu/Crime/Hunt for Slaves - Get more slaves!

Next version in 2 to 5 days dependant on health. With fully functioning group room.


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