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MOD REQUEST: Battle Scars of Child Birth

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This idea could enhance the previous mod request for pregnancy poses I had posted. No one seemed interested in that one however, so I am unsure if there will be any interest in this one.


This mod would involve what toll that child birth takes on a mother. It could be useful as an add on to Family Planning Enhanced and the AAF version. Effects could include wider hips, distended belly (like a balloon that has been blown up one too many times), weight gain, stretch marks, body sag (breast, butt, belly, triceps), C-section scars (both vertical and bikini line with varying degrees of severity). Body visuals would have to be added to the looks menu for the appropriate effect/effects. Tying SPECIAL attributes to it would improve the chances of a body being able to recover with little to no visual lasting effects. Special attributes has a chance modifier for determining if the mother requires a C-section. Number of pregnancies would have increased chance and possibly additional visual modifiers. This comes in handy for those that are playing with slaves in their game. Slave owners and traders having a healthy breeding vessel that stays healthy and visually appealing are highly prized. Being able to sell a healthy baby factory or their offspring is a lucrative business. Not to mention the fact that a healthy mother can make for additional slaves to work those crops... Someone has to pick those Tatos after all!


Doctor have extensive medical knowledge compared to the typical settler. Child birth with an attending doctor should greatly reduce complications that can arise. In the Commonwealth, having a C-section is dangerous. Only well established settlements like DC, Goodneighbor, Bunker Hill, maybe even Covenant, and well established DLC settlements would have experienced enough doctors that could perform a C-section with minimum severe consequence chance. Any player settlement that has a doctor, that has not performed less than 10 C-sections, has the risk chance of a botched operation. This could range from botched incision scarring to SPECIAL attribute loss to having a sickly child. The most severe cases would be mother and/or child loss. The Mod Author is encouraged to think of plausible consequences and severity. Please keep in mind, it should be lore friendly. As a doctor becomes more experienced with C-section birth the risks are reduced. Only after 10 C-sections can a settlement doctor perform a birth procedure with minimum risk as the more well established doctors of the Commonwealth. Settlements without a doctor and have a pregnant settler/slave have medium chances for complications for a regular birth and always have severe chance modifiers with C-section births. Remember, settlers do not have the medical training that doctors do. But, characters with the Medic, Science, or Chemist perks would have slightly better odds.


After the mother has recovered she could be taken to a doctor for reconstructive or plastic surgery. The appearance of a botched operation can be overcome for a fee. But beauty is only skin deep. Any negative health issues could be permanent or not at the players discretion. Much like resetting body pregnancy effect in FPE.


I could go on, but I think I have given a good outline the work with and any Mod God has the flexibility to expand and at to what I have said here.

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1 hour ago, lordjaredsin said:

This mod would involve what toll that child birth takes on a mother. It could be useful as an add on to Family Planning Enhanced and the AAF version. Effects could include wider hips, distended belly (like a balloon that has been blown up one too many times), weight gain, stretch marks, body sag (breast, butt, belly, triceps), C-section scars (both vertical and bikini line with varying degrees of severity). Body visuals would have to be added to the looks menu for the appropriate effect/effects. Tying SPECIAL attributes to it would improve the chances of a body being able to recover with little to no visual lasting effects. 

Re: Stretch marks: Piece of cake. We just need to make the normal maps & have them put in place of the other ones. And let me dispel the stigma of stretch marks: I absolutely LOVE THEM. I think every woman should "earn her stripes".....LOL. To me, they are NOT ugly, but a sign of accomplishment!





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  • 1 month later...


yeah .... says the old dude that has to put up with them stretch marks because he has no other choice .... No ... stretch marks  are ugly and a sign of laziness you can get rid of them by working out .... There is nothing attractive about your skin looking like a ghoul's


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5 hours ago, woolsack said:


yeah .... says the old dude that has to put up with them stretch marks because he has no other choice .... No ... stretch marks  are ugly and a sign of laziness you can get rid of them by working out .... There is nothing attractive about your skin looking like a ghoul's


I don't think you understand, so let me explain it a different way:


There is no higher calling for a man than to be a husband & father.

There is no higher calling for a woman than to be a wife & a mother.


Anyone that says different either has an agenda, or is an idiot.



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That's debatable ...


So you are saying you answered mans highest calling ... what about a guy that finds the cure to a life ending disease ... a guy with no family that goes to war to protect your way of life and is happy to give his life away for the common good


... so doing a basic function nature made you do = highest calling .... nah bro' .... 7 billion people on the planet .... I know your brain bombarded you with all them endorphins you get by being a father makes you happy etc etc  ... so you are basically a drug addict addicted to endorphin :)


I think that man's highest calling is to discover the reason why we exist , how the universe works , being selfless and do things for the good of others ... etc eating sleeping fucking procreating is something a dog can do to ;) so I don't agree that being a father is the "highest calling"










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