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Skyrim VR for Dummies?


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I found the post about the patch that lets the version of sexlab that works for SE also work for VR. Normally I would be all over it and have it modded already. Unfortunately, I am currently dealing with ME/CFS and have a hard time concentrating and making sense of things. I am asking, no, begging for anyone to put together a step by step guide for Skyrim VR like there is for the old Skyrim. 

Requirements in order > main mods in order> compatible addon mods by category etc. 


That is the best post ever for the regular skyrim sexlab and would dearly appreciate a pinned copy for Skyrim VR. 

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope someone has the time. 

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Just made this. It is about the basics and I suspect you have some specific SL mods in mind so it might not be helpful for you.

Most of the SL mods work in VR. After we get a completely working Racemenu soon pretty much everything will work.

If you are interested about a specific mod - just ask. There is no need to make such a list for VR as it will just copy the Flatrim one.



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