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The future of gaming and the issues around true virtual reality environments?


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I love this site and all it offers, but in reply to another topic I started to wonder about the future of gaming if humanity manages to create a "true virtual reality gaming environment"


I believe that will be next evolution of gaming.  A VR interface which creates a virtual reality indistinguishable from our own reality (think anything from the Matrix, Sword Art online to the holodeck) and wonder what that will mean for the CONTENT of gaming.  Clearly we aren't there yet and I think there will likely need to be some massive evolution of technology and innovation for this to happen, but I do believe we will experience some future of this.


I broke this up into a 2 part conversation covering sex and violence.  First violence in VR gaming:






Currently violence is fun in video games we play, it gives us a rush.  Makes us feel like superhuman heroes, relieves stress and hell its fun just to blow things up in games!   However if virtual reality DOES crossover into an indistinguishable reality, then gaming might actually face real restrictions and consequence we might not have expected in regards to our brain. 


Our brains are pretty gullible when faced with perceived realities based on outside forces (think intoxication, dark shadows at night, heck paranormal experiences in general) and I wonder if the fun we have in video games now, will not be fun in a virtual reality environment that feels and appears like reality.


Unlike movies or current gaming, real life violent experiences are shown to have severe mental consequences such as PTSD, trauma and mental dissociation (think split personalities) that effects a huge swath of people surrounded by direct and indirect violence such as soldiers, police officers and medical professionals who are trained to deal with it.   Most serial killers have clear physiological disorder that could have developed from trauma as child aka experiences of violence too. 


This also raises other questions we might not have thought for, in example your playing a VR battlefield experience in WW1 - by which all accounts was anything but pleasant for soldiers for so many, many reasons.  Not just because of the fear of death but the battlefield environment itself,  if our brain thinks we are in a real danger that might be too overwhelming to be enjoyable even if that danger is only perceived.  Think of playing a horror game today and "running" away to avoid death, for a lot of people they feel a rush to escape - and thats on a tv screen. 


Plus think about how often we die in video games and how would that experience would transition to VR if it actually feels like we've been shot or dying or constrained?  I think its something most gamers would want to avoid or mentally dull, stress would certainly be a factor here.


Plus a big question developers will have to ask themselves is how death will be rendered in a indistinguishable virtual reality - because graphic death or rotting bodies make most people lose their lunch in reality.   Not just from the sight but smell which is overwhelming in itself.  Nothing smells like death but death.  There is something very unsettling about a real life dead body you will never feel playing a game right now, not matter how "realistic" it looks.  In reality dead bodies are not fun to be around for most people and usually there is a lot of feces involved depending on their state. Dead bodies crap themselves as muscles loosen. 


Violence in video games I suspect will probably feel a lot less realistic in a virtual reality, then it currently does today in our games.  Simply to compensate our reality from a virtual reality if our brain feels like its in real danger or is not enjoying the experience.






I think sex on the other hand will be very different and perhaps more graphic and much more popular then gaming features it now. 


I suspect VR environments will further introduce "life partners" for the millions of lonely people or heck a simple replacement for porn because lets face it - we all like sex.  All want sex and the feeling of being wanted by another person.  If that virtual partner who feels real, looks real and really wants you your brain will respond in kind to such positive attachment.  We can already see  this today in various forms with media and fictional characters we interact with.


Plus if we simply need to plug in for good, enjoyable sex that feels completely real by sending the right signals to our mind for touch and eroticism -then why bother finding a real partner for anything other then reproduction? 


Plus unlike violence issues mentioned above, I think people will seek out experience for things they'd never tried in "reality" or have the chance to try in real life.  Or simply impossible to try.


Things that might even scare or shock you might in real life, suddenly become in demand to experience in virtual reality.  Imagine experiencing half of the sex mods that exist for skyrim, or going to a virtual reality orgy in the Sims VR where it feels heck even smells like your there. 


So when you "unplug" you literally believe it all actually happened because the virtual reality felt like reality.


I wonder if the question or creation of sexual trauma may or may form from such experiences though.  If for example your playing a game where your kidnapped and raped by some person you find totally repulsive - I think the human reaction will still be to fight back - unless your going into it to experience THAT feeling.  Which in itself might become a new fetish. 


Obviously rape fantasies have always existed and if the violence isn't "painful" (but meant to give pleasure) then suddenly what might seem immoral becomes normal in VR experiences?  Hard to say.


Now you can be sure any type of virtual sex content will create some serious backlash amongst various groups and there will be calls to limit it.  Heck I imagine new groups will form simple to question if virtual reality is destroying human relationships/companionship/families if VR environments do it better.  If a created virtual companion who feels perfect could replace dating all together, for both men and women then this might truly threaten any reason to seek out a real person. 


Plus could VR violence and sex actually become therapeutic not only for casual gamers for fun, but for survivors of war or sexual trauma? 




Closing thoughts:


I believe despite our brains gullibility if the game can be "paused" to break the immersion, to escape or control the virtual experience to suite a narrative of our making - then it could becoming addicting too.  Suddenly that unbearable violence feels fun, because you can "win" against it and sexual trauma can be controlled by your own desires.


There are of course huge hurdles before any of this happens, and I fear much of it will be regulated and censored by the industry or governments before it can even happen (think of the children! lol).  It would only take one game that pushes too far to see governments suddenly regulate the industry in ways we've never seen. 


I suspect new foreign companies in less politically correct media driven countries countries, such as Japan or eastern europe will suddenly thrive and possible even replace our current AAA studios as EA will literally only be allowed to make VR sport games for example.  Without a doubt there will be a political will in play when this virtual reality becomes reality but what I can only imagine will face censorship.


Perhaps we will become even more reliant on modding groups/sites such as this to provide players with experiences they really want from a virtual reality environment. 


One thing is for sure, when a true virtual reality gaming system is developed it will change our reality and what it means to experience reality.


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