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Do mods get more unstable as time goes on?


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Hi there,


Just want to ask something based on my personal experience.


I have installed MiniLover Extended, Animated Prostitution, and Alan's BBP Armor Pack.


At first they all work fine, but after a while, MiniLover Extended started to have alignment problems, then Alan's mod suddenly causes my body to shrink when wearing his armors (but hands and feet stay same size), and now some animations in AP starts to have alignment problems too.


So I just like to ask, domods get more unstable or likely to break as time goes on? Does this happen to anyone else? Thanks.

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no' date=' unless the author intended on purpose or if the mod is not designed properly



I guess you have not experienced such problem, but do you have any diagnosis to make for this?


I used to use CHSBHC BBP with CHSBHC body, then I changed to CHSBHC BBP with CBBP v3 body. Could this be the cause for any conflict?


I just don't understand why something worked fine would then suddenly not working properly after I left the game there (not playing it) for a few days...

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I don't use those mods you're talking about, but if they have a esp, it means that the mod was edited using CK, so it can add specific forms, or change the vanilla records to work as intended.


Mods with ESP files, can conflict with other mods, specially if they edit original records provided by bethesda, or provide scripts that may "override" some other scripts or behaviours.


If no ESP is provided, then the mod is just plain files that don't interfere in anyway with game behaviour (nifs, dds). Any problem you might see with mods that don't provide ESPs are just on the end user part. If you have custom skeleton nif or hqx, it could potentially be the reason to the problem you described.


But a mod by itself doesn't become unstable, unless the 2 reasons I already described in my first reply. Probably what happened was that you installed something new, played for a while, didn't noticed anything wrong, and then played it later and tried to use some specific feature that you didnt previously and noticed some conflict/issue, probably caused by different mods working together.

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I just thought I should let you know about one more thing. I'm developing a mod myself, and I'm helping some "beta testers" with certain issues, and I had someone that installed a mod with a certain feature, which is, edited scripts from Bethesda.


Don't EVER install mods, that want to overwrite files inside the scripts folder, UNLESS it's a mod you already have and you're just updating it.


Replacing scripts, is the best way to ensure that your game will break, with or without mods.


I can't vouch for the Unofficial Patch Mod though, since they seem to be doing an excellent job at it, and actually know what they are doing... unlike so many other modders out there.



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What tends to happen is saves grow, resulting in faulty loads, and, of course, add and removing mods from the same save/character over time results in gradual degradation of the save file.


So, no, mods don't degrade, but saves do -- and that is true regardless of whether you are using mods or not.

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