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[Smalls] looking for testing / feedback


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I made a thing: https://github.com/scorpiosixnine/smalls/blob/master/README.md.



Whilst adventuring in Skyrim SE, you tend to run across all sorts of bandits, ruffians and ne'er-do-wells. Typically it all goes south, you end up in a big fight, and then you loot the bodies for armour and treasure.

If you're running with a mod that replaces the default skin with a naked one, it's a bit disconcerting to discover that everyone whose armour you loot seems to be going commando. What's up with that? Didn't their mothers warn them that they might meet a sticky end one day and thus clearly ought to pack some clean underwear for their trip just in case?

This mod attempts to fix this problem in the least intrusive way possible.

It's my first mod, and kinda minimal at the moment.


I wouldn't advise testing on a save you care about, just in case, but I'd love some feedback, on the idea and/or the execution.



The latest release can be found here.


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