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Question about modding etiquette


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Hello, all.


I've been musing lately about the mods I've made. I've actually made a lot but have only posted two. The reason for this is many of the mods I make use components from other peoples mods and I just don't like going around asking permission to use things, especially since some of them use many components (in one mod I made, I counted components from 31 different mods). And to top it off some of the creators of these mods don't even come online anymore, it all makes the idea of asking for each thing I want to use a hassle and I just don't have the patience. Don't get me wrong I support giving credit were it is due and all but the whole process of getting permissions is so daunting that I just don't bother and then my mods don't get posted.


So anyway now that I've explained my thought process here is my question. If I make a mod that requires another mod to be installed, do I have to ask permission to use the prerequisite mod?


Also a more complicated take on that same question: One mod in particular that I've made is called "Subraces" It is designed to create a stronger diversity of races within the world by incorporating races from other mods into a single .esp and then both adding an altering NPCs. many of the mods it requires would need to be inactive but it would use components from each of them to function. Is this an uncouth practice or is it acceptable?


If you do a mod that requires a prerequisite mod you don't need to ask permission, just let people know that they need to download and install the dependency mod.


About the second question, the practice is acceptable, but you have to tell the people that you need the assets of the other mods available but the esps disabled (or at higher load order, so they are overwritten by your esp.)


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