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strange texture issue


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It's been a while since I've done any work at all really, last thing I uploaded was a part of EVE. I don't know if I' doing something wrong or what my memory isn't as good anymore when it comes to blender, but after a terrible computer virus I lost all my work and decided to start all over. I created this tail but I'm having some weird graphical issue with it in game and I'm just stumped lol. It looks fine in nifscope but in game shows up odd 


Oblivion 2019-08-04 12-02-07-38.bmp


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Is this a tail that's a part of the custom race or the character's race already? Or is it an item you added as an equippable amulet or tail accessory?


If it is the latter, you may be able to get the correct texture to show up using "phong" material or other basic material but there will be a mismatch of shaders and it'll look really weird from your actual skin in various lightings. If that is okay with you try that and see if the texture you have assigned shows up in game. If you want it to match as intended to the color of your character's "skin" then you must do a certain process I am trying to get at below...


I think I had a similar issue where I made "equippable ears" and assigned it the "skin" material. When using the "skin" material it or the skin shader or game looks for the uv map inside of the race's body texture.dds file and not what you have assigned at all in that nifskope oddly. Most often times it is of course there is no UV texture specifically assigned for the accessory inside of this body texture and as such there is just a garbled mess of texture stretching or weird coloring because it looks for a uv map that doesn't exist in the body texture when you assign the "skin shader".


So the solution for me was to edit and copy the uv map of the equippable accessory in my case ears, yours tail, to a corner of the body texture, in my case "footfemale.dds" of my custom race and that worked for me. You may assign the equippable accessory to "use" the body texture in nifskope to check your work or adjust the uv map but by default, invoking? calling? what do those silly programmer say? using the skin shader will already force it to look for something in the body texture... for some reason.




This link might help you if the above is the case where this tail is an accessory.


It sort of describes a process of ... what do you call it... adding extra meshes to an ear but the concept helps for say sectioning off or adding sections to a texture say... the solution for me which was to section off a portion of my body texture and copy my ear texture there and also copy the uv textures there too so that when it looks for the uv map of my ear there in the body, it has something there and finds what I have assigned?



I-I know I am a bit confusings but... ?

I might be able to help you in a little bit when I get home. ?




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you were on the right track, thankyou so much, simply renaming the material made it show up in game properly, yes it's part of a custom race and uses the body part data in the CS so it's not wearable,  I made this race way back and skyrim with full face morphs and everything so the ears would move based on expression, but sadly lost all that work, but started a new in a oblivion, maybe i'll get the motivation to port it in skyrim again, but the 50 or so face morphs don't sound as fun to do the second time around lol


Thankyou :)

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^0^ You're welcome! I guess keep those "skin" shader materials and concepts in mind for when you need something umm... fleshy and ear-y an accessory that needs to match the skin? I think that tail looks good with the generic "tail" material, whatever it is defaulting to that is not skin or hair or... any of the ones listed in the links, simply naming it anything but those will almost always work when you want it to appear just as you sorta see in nifskope, sort of. I think there is a link somewhere describing what special names that actually invoke or call a certain shader. There are a few other materials that actually do something special like the issue you had with the skin shader that's hardcoded to look for things in the body textures, for instance: metal, envmap, envmap02 or something like that which are used for reflectiveness?






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Normally the tail is set to skin


The NiTriShape or NiTriStrip  must have name Tail

And material the name skin

Or the tail will not change the color if you use the body color sliders in the race menu.


!!! If it is a male tail and you use roberts male textures  it must be

NiTriShape or NiTriStrip  must have name Foot

And material the name skin

Bcause the tail texture in an the foot texture ( footmale.dds ).  But some custom races with roberts male have a tail texures so you can use a vanilla tail nif or a roberts male tail nif.


HGEC female and vanilla  use a own tail texture that's why the NiTriShape or NiTriStrip  must be Tail

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thankyou for the help, if in the future I want to extend to more possibilities for customization I will use this info to contribute towards. as of now the tail is set for it's default texture and adding it to a skin texture will be necessary for the color option to take place. I tend to keep a lot of my work personal and should someday share. :)

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