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characters won't use furniture

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there is really no problem to anything but it feels like I may be missing a certain mod that allows for a prompt to pop up that gives you the option to use furniture instead of just having sex on the ground like a barbarian all the time.  could someone please point out a mod or something if there is one that helps you have this option?  I use advanced animation framework, aaf sex em up, aaf violate, aaf family planning, and some others related to that.  





that stuff and my actors well act normal just yeah don't know why I can't use furniture even though if I seem to have animations for furniture (aaf animations I have downloaded show pictures using furniture for sex) mods like that of leito and crazy, I also have installed the patch, atomic lust, and mutated lust.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright it's time for my favorite game. Let's Tweak That A A F File.

In you Steam / Steamapps / Common / Fallout 4 / Data/ AAF - find AAF_settings.ini then left click , right click, find "edit with notepad++"  left click.
find preferences -v


 L 'Furniture Search area, I have mine set to 400 and actor search radius is set to 2500, which is roughly 115 meters away  (that is how far some NPC's have been.  I don't know the exact distance conversion)

Then near the bottom of preferences there is default_furniture_preference as the description says it is a % (percentage) with mine being set to 50. 


You can set your's to 99% and the search radius to 9000 to ensure that you'll get a furniture animation, BUT if a mod calls for a non furniture animation you do not want it set to 100%.  A mod that uses MCM may give you an option for furniture preference/distance and when that happens that mcm option matters more then the .ini file or other wise a quest mod that wants a specific animation to play wont care what your .ini file says (as far as I am aware)

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