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I made this trying to get CITRUS Heads to work on SSE. It seems to work and has replaced the heads on the presets and player. I think it worked on the npc's as well but have no way to confirm this as I don't know how to view a npc head mesh (new to modding and CK, learning as I go). Was wondering if it works for anyone else?


Advice is welcome.


Note it does not play well with other mods that touch the head




CITRUS Heads SSE with FaceGen.7z

1 hour ago, woopmaster said:

I made this trying to get CITRUS Heads to work on SSE. It seems to work and has replaced the heads on the presets and player. I think it worked on the npc's as well but have no way to confirm this as I don't know how to view a npc head mesh (new to modding and CK, learning as I go). Was wondering if it works for anyone else?


Advice is welcome.


Note it does not play well with other mods that touch the head


CITRUS Heads SSE.7z 16.27 MB · 4 downloads

it work if you have mod that change face ( and have facegen data) i use botox se and it work

but if you have no mod change face mens you need remove men head from citrus

1 hour ago, woopmaster said:

Here is the new one with FaceGen


CITRUS Heads SSE with FaceGen.7zCITRUS Heads SSE with FaceGen.7z 123.8 MB · 0 downloads


Any help making it work with botox would be much appreciated. It would be nice to have that shape with this mesh.

you don't need genrate new facegen, because  i have botox and citrus , i only keep mesh and tri of head in mod so it work for me without issue , only if i use male citrus i get issue

edit : from your mod remove esp and all male tri, mesh , and try again


Doing this freezes my game. it works for the presets but freezes when it has to render the face of a Botox NPC. They both work fine alone.


Creating new FaceGen files is in the tutorials for converting CITRUS to SSE and gives to all NPC's male and female the new mesh.  I think if I can get a new FaceGen with CITRUS mesh and Botox shape it would fix my comparability problem. I have had no luck so far trying to create this.


Btw thank for your help.

16 minutes ago, woopmaster said:

Doing this freezes my game. it works for the presets but freezes when it has to render the face of a Botox NPC. They both work fine alone.


Creating new FaceGen files is in the tutorials for converting CITRUS to SSE and gives to all NPC's male and female the new mesh.  I think if I can get a new FaceGen with CITRUS mesh and Botox shape it would fix my comparability problem. I have had no luck so far trying to create this.


Btw thank for your help.

you need remove any face gen genrate by ck when using citrus only keep facgen come with mod like botox , you don't need render face of npc it come with botox, or extract botox bsa and use loose files not bsa

because it work on pc withoout issue i travel to city and dungeon and i get zero issue


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