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Prop Animations in WW[solved]

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Hey I'm looking for some help from other animators and or people experienced with WW animations; I have made an animation on a custom object and it should include animation from a cum mesh prop but whenever I include the prop in the XML the animation is no longer available in game. The animation works if I remove the prop section of the XML; is this something about the prop function not being released public yet?


I figured this feature was public by now but I could be mistaken. 


I've included the XML in this spoiler if someone wants to check its not a mistake I'm making in that.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<I c="WickedWhimsAnimationPackage" i="snippet" m="wickedwhims.sex.animations.animations_tuning" n="Slimite:WWAnimation_AJ_Slimite" s="10455611432519540887">
  <!-- 'n' as your Package Name and 's' as Integer ID of your package -->
  <T n="wickedwhims_animations">1</T>
  <L n="animations_list">
      <T n="animation_raw_display_name">AnalJacking_MM</T>
      <!-- [REMOVE IF USING "animation_display_name" FIELD] Raw Text for displayed animation name -->
      <T n="animation_author">Slimite</T>
      <!-- Raw Text for displayed author name of this animation -->
      <T n="animation_custom_locations">14313589696712989920, 16724708786174557526, 11669226094145518702</T>
      <!-- [REMOVE IF UNUSED] List of Object WWIDs for where this animation can be used at -->
      <T n="object_animation_clip_name">Simite:PosePack_201906181729261805_set_3</T>
      <!-- [REMOVE IF UNUSED] Object animation ClipName -->
      <T n="animation_category">ANAL</T>
      <!-- Sex Category of the animation (TEASING, HANDJOB, FOOTJOB, ORALJOB, VAGINAL, ANAL, CLIMAX) -->
      <T n="animation_loops">10</T>
      <!-- Number of times the animation will play in a row -->
      <T n="animation_allowed_for_random">1</T>
      <!-- Flag to disallow animation from being randomly picked in sex (0=Disallow, 1=Allow) -->
      <T n="animation_actors_list">
        <!-- List of actors in this animation (add more for more actors, remove any that are not needed) -->
          <!-- [START OF ACTOR ENTRY] -->
          <T n="actor_id">0</T>
          <!-- Numerical ID that represents this actor, should be 0 if this is the first actor -->
          <T n="animation_clip_name">Simite:PosePack_201906181729261805_set_1</T>
          <!-- Sim animation ClipName -->
          <T n="animation_type">ANAL</T>
          <!-- Sex Category of interaction this actor is performing (NONE, TEASING, HANDJOB, FOOTJOB, ORALJOB, VAGINAL, ANAL) -->
          <T n="animation_genders">MALE</T>
          <T n="animation_pref_gender">MALE</T>
          <!-- [REMOVE IF UNUSED] Preferred gender type of this actor if actor gender is set to BOTH (MALE, FEMALE, ALIEN_MALE, ALIEN_FEMALE, GHOST_MALE, GHOST_FEMALE, VAMPIRE_MALE, VAMPIRE_FEMALE) -->
          <T n="animation_naked_type">BOTTOM</T>
          <!-- Naked Type this actor will undress to when performing (NONE, TOP, BOTTOM, ALL, FORCE_ALL) -->
          <T n="animation_force_nude_hands">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to force undress gloves if needed (0=Ignore, 1=Force) -->
          <T n="animation_force_nude_feet">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to force undress shoes if needed (0=Ignore, 1=Force) -->
          <T n="animation_allow_strapon">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to allow equipment of strapon even if this position is not designed for males (0=Disallow, 1=Allow) -->
          <T n="actor_interactions">
            <!-- List of this actor interactions with other actors -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_id">1</T>
              <!-- Numerical ID of receiving actor this actor is interacting with -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_category">ANAL</T>
              <!-- Sex Category of interaction this actor is performing on the receiving actor -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_cum_layers">BUTT</T>
              <!-- List of Cum Layer Types to apply on the receiving actor (DISABLED, FACE, CHEST, BACK, VAGINA, BUTT, FEET, NONE) -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_cum_inside">1</T>
              <!-- Flag to define if cum goes inside or outside the receiving actor (0=Outside, 1=Inside) -->
        <!-- [END OF ACTOR ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF ACTOR ENTRY] -->
          <T n="actor_id">1</T>
          <!-- Numerical ID that represents this actor, should be 0 if this is the first actor -->
          <T n="animation_clip_name">Simite:PosePack_201906181729261805_set_2</T>
          <!-- Sim animation ClipName -->
          <T n="animation_type">ANAL</T>
          <!-- Sex Category of interaction this actor is performing (NONE, TEASING, HANDJOB, FOOTJOB, ORALJOB, VAGINAL, ANAL) -->
          <T n="animation_genders">MALE</T>
          <T n="animation_pref_gender">MALE</T>
          <!-- [REMOVE IF UNUSED] Preferred gender type of this actor if actor gender is set to BOTH (MALE, FEMALE, ALIEN_MALE, ALIEN_FEMALE, GHOST_MALE, GHOST_FEMALE, VAMPIRE_MALE, VAMPIRE_FEMALE) -->
          <T n="animation_naked_type">BOTTOM</T>
          <!-- Naked Type this actor will undress to when performing (NONE, TOP, BOTTOM, ALL, FORCE_ALL) -->
          <T n="animation_force_nude_hands">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to force undress gloves if needed (0=Ignore, 1=Force) -->
          <T n="animation_force_nude_feet">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to force undress shoes if needed (0=Ignore, 1=Force) -->
          <T n="animation_allow_strapon">0</T>
          <!-- Flag to allow equipment of strapon even if this position is not designed for males (0=Disallow, 1=Allow) -->
          <T n="actor_interactions">
            <!-- List of this actor interactions with other actors -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_id">1</T>
              <!-- Numerical ID of receiving actor this actor is interacting with -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_category">HANDJOB</T>
              <!-- Sex Category of interaction this actor is performing on the receiving actor -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_cum_layers">CHEST</T>
              <!-- List of Cum Layer Types to apply on the receiving actor (DISABLED, FACE, CHEST, BACK, VAGINA, BUTT, FEET, NONE) -->
              <T n="receiving_actor_cum_inside">0</T>
              <!-- Flag to define if cum goes inside or outside the receiving actor (0=Outside, 1=Inside) -->
        <!-- [END OF ACTOR ENTRY] -->
       <T n="animation_props_list"> <!-- List of props in this animation -->

        <T> <!-- [START OF PROP ENTRY] -->
          <T n="prop_id">0</T>
          <T n="prop_type">BASIC</T>
          <T n="prop_guids">17078270228127275333</T>
          <T n="prop_animation_clip_name">Simite:PosePack_201906181729261805_set_4</T>
        </T> <!-- [END OF PROP ENTRY] -->


      <T n="animation_events_list">
        <!-- List of events in this animation (add more for more events, remove any that are not needed) -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">18.53456</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">19.16543</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">a1</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">ep1_surgery_table_glue_spray_fail</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">b__Penis_Tip</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
          <T n="dont_run_if">
            <!-- List of flags that prevent this event from triggering if true -->
            <T n="actor_has_condom">1</T>
            <!-- Flag that checks if Event Target is wearing a condom (use to prevent cum effects when Sim is wearing a condom) -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">19.23456</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">20.98768</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">a1</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">ep1_surgery_table_glue_spray_fail</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">b__Penis_Tip01</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
          <T n="dont_run_if">
            <!-- List of flags that prevent this event from triggering if true -->
            <T n="actor_has_condom">1</T>
            <!-- Flag that checks if Event Target is wearing a condom (use to prevent cum effects when Sim is wearing a condom) -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">0.00001</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">21.36667</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">o</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">s40_sim_social_bed_woohoo_warmup</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">_IKtarget_butt_0</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">CUM</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">21.13456</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_target">a1</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="cum_layer_type">CHEST</T>
          <!-- Cum Layer Type to apply on the Event Target (FACE, CHEST, BACK, VAGINA, BUTT, FEET) -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">17.00001</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">21.36667</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">o</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">s40_sim_social_woohoo_big_finish01_heart01</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">_FX_swingset_0</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">15.00001</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">21.36667</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">o</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">gp1_sim_social_tent_woohoo_warmup</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">_FX_swingset_1</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">0.00001</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">21.36667</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">o</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">s40_obj_shower_woohoo</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">_FX_swingset_1</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <!-- [START OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
          <T n="event_type">EFFECT</T>
          <!-- Event Type that defines the behavior of this event (EFFECT, CUM) -->
          <T n="event_start_timecode">19.00001</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event triggers -->
          <T n="event_end_timecode">21.36667</T>
          <!-- Decimal Number in animation duration of when this event stops (use high number, like 999, to avoid stopping the event) -->
          <T n="event_target">o</T>
          <!-- Event Target that represents actor Numerical ID or the object used for sex ('a0' is Actor ID 0, 'o' is the object used for sex, 'p0' is Prop ID 0) -->
          <T n="effect_name">s40_sim_social_woohoo_big_finish01_heart02</T>
          <!-- Effect Name that will be displayed -->
          <T n="effect_joint_name">_FX_swingset_1</T>
          <!-- Bone Joint Name from the Event Target used for the position of the effect -->
        <!-- [END OF EVENT ENTRY] -->
    <!-- Next Animation Goes Here -->



Anyone else have this problem?

Or not have the problem and have prop animations working for them?

If you have them working what version of WW are you using?



The prop feature is now public and it will work as you want, 

At a glance I spotted that you have entered your name as Slimite lol, 

That's caught me out before ? but maybe not the issue with your props


These are just guessing at the moment, have you used GUID number? This does not use the WWID like normal, 

Also I'm not sure if ik targets can be used for effects and maybe needs to be one of the default rig bones? 

Im not really knowledgeable on that part so apologies if that is part of the default rig lol, 

Good luck and I hope that it works soon, I don't mind having look tonight for you if haven't cracked it by then! 

It's looks interesting by just reading the xml ?


39 minutes ago, R-Lo said:


The prop feature is now public and it will work as you want, 

At a glance I spotted that you have entered your name as Slimite lol, 

That's caught me out before ? but maybe not the issue with your props


These are just guessing at the moment, have you used GUID number? This does not use the WWID like normal, 

Also I'm not sure if ik targets can be used for effects and maybe needs to be one of the default rig bones? 

Im not really knowledgeable on that part so apologies if that is part of the default rig lol, 

Good luck and I hope that it works soon, I don't mind having look tonight for you if haven't cracked it by then! 

It's looks interesting by just reading the xml ?


Thanks for taking a look over it R-Lo, I appreciate the extra set of eyes.

Yeah the name thing was cause I was trying to get it working and was convinced for a short while that it was having conflicting issues with another one of my animation packages and so I decided to change some details to make sure it wasn't a conflict like this. 

I used WWID for the custom object(Sex swing) and then I used the GUID for the cum mesh from CherriPie.

The effects all work perfectly as soon as I remove the prop from the XML so I think you're able to bind effects to any bone that is in the scene. (yes those IK bones are part of the default rig)

The effects is mostly just hearts floating around like from normal woohoo, I want to make lots of animations with the effects, for supernatural styled animations and other fun stuffs like this.


What I find weird is the animation works perfectly without the prop, but when I add that prop section to the XML and run the game, the animation is no longer selectable at the custom object. It may be that the Prop cannot be used with my custom object or something like this, Cherrypie says that it can be used with any other bed, I'm not sure if it's maybe only able to be used on beds.

46 minutes ago, Simite said:

Thanks for taking a look over it R-Lo, I appreciate the extra set of eyes.

Yeah the name thing was cause I was trying to get it working and was convinced for a short while that it was having conflicting issues with another one of my animation packages and so I decided to change some details to make sure it wasn't a conflict like this. 

I used WWID for the custom object(Sex swing) and then I used the GUID for the cum mesh from CherriPie.

The effects all work perfectly as soon as I remove the prop from the XML so I think you're able to bind effects to any bone that is in the scene. (yes those IK bones are part of the default rig)

The effects is mostly just hearts floating around like from normal woohoo, I want to make lots of animations with the effects, for supernatural styled animations and other fun stuffs like this.


What I find weird is the animation works perfectly without the prop, but when I add that prop section to the XML and run the game, the animation is no longer selectable at the custom object. It may be that the Prop cannot be used with my custom object or something like this, Cherrypie says that it can be used with any other bed, I'm not sure if it's maybe only able to be used on beds.



No problem! 

I can't see cherry pie mod being a problem if its a separate mesh, 

I'm yet to try using it but I have used cc with this feature before and it's worked fine, 

Apart from the odd mistype lol those numbers make me cross eyed and I have to break it up with a bookmark ?


What you did sounds right and I will look at it again so I will take another look, 

A separate mesh of that cum mod should in theory work anywhere so it's something between the xml and the package file, 

If you're happy to send it to me when you're ready I can look at for you once the little one is in bed ?

1 hour ago, R-Lo said:



No problem! 

I can't see cherry pie mod being a problem if its a separate mesh, 

I'm yet to try using it but I have used cc with this feature before and it's worked fine, 

Apart from the odd mistype lol those numbers make me cross eyed and I have to break it up with a bookmark ?


What you did sounds right and I will look at it again so I will take another look, 

A separate mesh of that cum mod should in theory work anywhere so it's something between the xml and the package file, 

If you're happy to send it to me when you're ready I can look at for you once the little one is in bed ?

I just compared it too CherryPie's animations, the GUID in my XML had 1 extra number, bah~ 

such a simple mistake, I would have been happy to share it but after seeing how completely awful it looks in game I think I'ma probably work on it some more. I need to work on the timing more; some of it happens to fast and other bits too slow.

It's working now though, problem found. Self inflicted as per usual. XD

Thanks for coming to try though it gave me the push I needed to keep trying to fix it after getting deflated from 2 days of failing. <3

16 minutes ago, Simite said:

I just compared it too CherryPie's animations, the GUID in my XML had 1 extra number, bah~ 

such a simple mistake, I would have been happy to share it but after seeing how completely awful it looks in game I think I'ma probably work on it some more. I need to work on the timing more; some of it happens to fast and other bits too slow.

It's working now though, problem found. Self inflicted as per usual. XD

Thanks for coming to try though it gave me the push I needed to keep trying to fix it after getting deflated from 2 days of failing. ❤️


Hey you're welcome and Im glad you found the problem! 

I wish you had PM me as I only saw this today and I'm happy to help as you've given me a lot of help too! 

It's not so much the quality I was looking for but I'm intrigued in the concept you have but I don't mind waiting to see it when your ready, I've thought about added some of the effects from the woohoo to bring it closer to the game but I wasn't so confident as some people are bound to realism, I dig the cartoon aspect myself and I'm glad to know I'm not alone there! 


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