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Vaernlor Manner perched above the family's inn at the base of the hill.


Random female NPCs spawn and check into a room for the night, never to be seen in the game again. The rooms are always tidy, except for the occasional blood splatter that was missed, but unlikely that you'll ever see it unless you spent several nights there. prior to triggering the quest, there is a chance of witnessing a girl being stabbed in the shower, rapes and murders occur, but the unknown assailant escapes.


F/Player checks into the inn, and goes to her choice of rooms, (room1 crea)(room2 Argo)(room3 Kajj)(room4 Vamp)(room5 randomImperial) followed soon after by her would be attacker who had until now only been seen in the shadows. Hero saves her, killing the foe, or Imperial guard shackles the bad guy and takes him off to prison depending on race of attacker.

Hero makes his way up the path to Mother's house.

-I didn't even get a chance to thank him.- prompts the player to visit the manor.


The front door is locked, but the creaking side door to the cellar (conspicuously added to Vaernlor) is ajar, clapping against the house with the breeze. player enters the basement, and gets locked in. Player hears hero pleading with Mother, saying how much he likes the player. Mother won't hear of it, this slut is like all the others.


M/Player checks into the inn, and has the same choices of rooms, but is not attacked, rather he is awakened by an attack taking place outside his room. Player saves the girl from the attacker, with the help of nearby posted imperial soldier. Girl runs up the hill to Vaernlor manner. -I hope she's alright, she forgot her clothes. I should return them.-

same situation as above, Mplayer enters the basement and gets locked in. through the cracks in the dungeon door, player can see that the girl he saved has been chained up, and hears her family punishing her for going out so late at night. player thinks they are being too harsh with her, but she seems to like being whipped.

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I like it...i think thats the story we are going to to with but now we have 1 other problem...whos going to make da mod?



I don't see myself abandoning Oblivion in the near future, but most of my time is now spent on other projects. If we finish the story, and there is a lot of interest in the mod, I'll contribute what I can to making it. If anyone else likes my ideas, and wants to use them in their own mod, I have no objection. Use anything you want.


Again, I didn't mean to derail your story of an arranged marriage, and turn it into a psychological thriller mod, this is just what happens when my rabid imagination gets a bite of something. I don't think hooking up with Norman Bates was what you had intended.


In any case, the story needs to be wrapped up before going into production.


What was the intended outcome from the mod you originally thought of?

When the quest(s)if any, is said and done, what did the mod add to your game?





for the Bates Motel idea...


There is a mod called RISA on nexus (not exactly lore friendly)

In the mod, there is a courtyard, fountain, pool, several rooms (like motel rooms) and a night club.

A unique thing about the rooms is that they have open windows, where the player can see what's happening in the room. (useful for Voyeuristic mods of all flavor) Risa's layout is a little elaborate for a family inn / motel, but the window concept lends itself nicely to the thriller themed mod. Where you can see the murder, rape, NPC's doing whatever, in the room, without having to go inside, unlike most rooms in oblivion.


Adding an element of surprise, when the player walks past the motel, and sees the action take place.



locked in the basement-

give the player options for escape based on player stats. strong character can knock down a door. Mage character can use magic, or make an acid potion to break a chain, lock, or door hinges.


Passages from the basement leading to 1) The manor 2)tunnels under the motel with access to rooms. 3)torture chamber.


Player can choose to a)escape and be done b)leave and come back to rescue NPC-x. c)notify the authorities (who do nothing) d)defeat the evil parents, and get the girl/guy e)*evil player* make use of the tunnels to attack guests at the motel.

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Thank you for going up too consideration of making the mod and of course if you decide to make the mod i will make sure you get all the credit for the production of the mod (plus the fact that over 1000 people has seen this thread, shows alot of interest lol. The intended outcome of the story is what the player decides to happen. You can go with the arranged marriage, escape, or persuade the mother the forget about the whole thing am i right lol. when the quest(s) are finished the player MAY receive the house depending how you played the story, MAY get some marriage clothing (if you decided to accept the arranged marriage), Player MAY find friends within the house to get out of the house and possibly form a relationship, MAY get a cool new dagger,sword,axe,bow/arrows or axe to use so you can assassinate all of the family members, get the key to the door, and escape (FREEDOM! YAH!!! LOL) the thing about this mod and you dont have to put the is in but i recommend it for realism is to make the brothers and sisters (depending on the gender of the player) will get jealous and want to do away with you...So at night there maybe like a 10-20 percent chance of getting raped while trying to sleep (maybe a 5 percent chance of being raped during the day) ....Or you can purposly use your seductiveness and sex to persuade people to help you escape.

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After saving Cinderella, you meet her wicked step-sisters Aleathera and Lacia, who reside in the manor. The rivalry between these two runs hot and cold, one day they are at bitter odds, and the next day they are more than willing to share with one another.


The Argonian maid, who has long served the family, has her own room, while the other occupants of the manor tend to sleep in any available bed. After her household chores are complete, she retires to her room. No one knows for sure what goes on in there, but the noise often wakes the residents of the manor, causing them to be restless and switch beds a lot throughout the night.


Mother has her issues, but Norman still cares for her. Locking her up in the basement is the best thing for everyone. Now that Norman is free from her control, she's perfectly harmlesssss. Since Father passed away, Norman's three brothers, and one sister have looked up to Norman as the man of the house, and they are willing to agree with his decision for now, but with a new female in the house, things are bound to come up that may challenge the king of the hill.

Dialog with the brothers and sisters can easily, calm or provoke them at the player's whim.


While the inn has been owned by the family for many years, it hasn't always been the primary family business. Many secrets can be found within, and around the estate.

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Eh...Is that an example?...Or just throwing something random out there lol


The one inexhaustible resource at a place like Lovers Lab are ideas. The place is full of wonderful' date=' fantastic, awesome ideas.


What is much more rare, and infinitely more precious, are folks willing to roll up their sleeves and grind through the long painful work of figuring out ways to implement their often fantastic ideas.


I would encourage you to return to your original idea and take the huge, wonderful, terrifying step of learning how to create your first mod.


Unless he is actively helping you, [i']ignore everything that 3m4041 wrote.[/i] That's really just a pile of ideas, most of which will be very difficult to implement (not impossible, just way too much to take on for your first mod). You definitely don't want to get distracted by people whose sole contribution is extra work for you to do. Unless he is actively helping he's hurting your project by shoveling giant piles of work onto your lap. Note: If 3m4041 is actively helping you to create this, then please ignore the preceding paragraph.


Start small, get a feel for what works and what doesn't, try to understand one piece of the puzzle at a time.


Lots of us will be willing to answer questions, assuming that you've done the basic work of reading tutorials and trying to understand things a bit first.


I love your idea, I would love to see you create it. I'll even provide the occasional bit of timely advice, or give you some scripting pointers. But I, and every other modder here, is already busy with my own projects, my own ideas.

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Eh...Is that an example?...Or just throwing something random out there lol


The one inexhaustible resource at a place like Lovers Lab are ideas. The place is full of wonderful' date=' fantastic, awesome ideas.


What is much more rare, and infinitely more precious, are folks willing to roll up their sleeves and grind through the long painful work of figuring out ways to implement their often fantastic ideas.


I would encourage you to return to your original idea and take the huge, wonderful, terrifying step of learning how to create your first mod.


Unless he is actively helping you, [i']ignore everything that 3m4041 wrote.[/i] That's really just a pile of ideas, most of which will be very difficult to implement (not impossible, just way too much to take on for your first mod). You definitely don't want to get distracted by people whose sole contribution is extra work for you to do. Unless he is actively helping he's hurting your project by shoveling giant piles of work onto your lap. Note: If 3m4041 is actively helping you to create this, then please ignore the preceding paragraph.


Start small, get a feel for what works and what doesn't, try to understand one piece of the puzzle at a time.


Lots of us will be willing to answer questions, assuming that you've done the basic work of reading tutorials and trying to understand things a bit first.


I love your idea, I would love to see you create it. I'll even provide the occasional bit of timely advice, or give you some scripting pointers. But I, and every other modder here, is already busy with my own projects, my own ideas.



Thanks for the kind words there gerra6. It takes more than just ideas to make a mod, but it's not that hard once you have a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end to build around. It doesn't have to be the greatest story ever told, it can just be vanilla, or it can be as wild as you want.



I asked saraj what it was that he or she wanted the mod to add to their game, but I didn't get a clear answer.


If someone just wants a husband or wife in the game, then mods exist already to accomplish this, and can fairly easily be edited to change appearances, etc.


Existing Lovers mods provide for interaction between the player and NPC spouse(s) so again no new mod would be needed to accomplish this.


There are an endless variety of house mods out there.


My thought was maybe they could put the pieces in place to achieve their in-game goal, without having to do a new mod at all.


If they have some personal fantasy that they want to live out in the game, then they're going to have to get in there and do it.



I will always encourage people to bite off more than they can chew, and it's not just because I have a fetish for stuffed gopher cheeks, It's for their own good.


Yeah, get your feet wet, and learn as you go, but not "stick to the kiddy pool". You can do it. I know teenagers who put out several mods a month. If it's something that you want, make no excuses about it. The link I posted above is an example to show that "anything is possible"

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Before i make the mod i kinda have been practcing on other things, like today i just made a mod called Gweden Stables, this mod basicly adds stables to the farm and makes the basement more cooler. Also I have a question...Remember the Anvil gang quest, Siren's deception? Well when she asks if you want to join, is there a mod which you can say "yes" and then unlock some more quests? of course this would be a perfect for the lovers mods.

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Before i make the mod i kinda have been practcing on other things' date=' like today i just made a mod called Gweden Stables, this mod basicly adds stables to the farm and makes the basement more cooler. Also I have a question...Remember the Anvil gang quest, Siren's deception? Well when she asks if you want to join, is there a mod which you can say "yes" and then unlock some more quests? of course this would be a perfect for the lovers mods.



There is a mod called Gweden Brothel which (read the readme)

expands on the Gweden property. Adding a number of quests all across the land. I can't give details without spoiling, but there are a few bugs in the mod that make some of the quests impossible to complete, if you have already finished most of the vanilla game quests. There is a walkthrough / guide available that can give you advice on how and at what stage to play the mod, and from that you can decide if you are willing to sacrifice completing the conflicting vanilla quests, or if you want to pass on installing the mod. (note i played it a long time ago. it may have been updated since to allow alternative options, or to correct these conflicts)

It was fun to play, but I could not keep it in game.



As for vanilla Gweden sirens, the game required that the girls be killed, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun with them before, and even after the quest is completed. (caution about breaking the quest.) In my game, which is a male player perspective.... after closing out the quest by killing the girls, and collecting the reward. I resurrected the girls in my game, and they are just Gweden Faction/ residents of Anvil now.


From a female - join the gang perspective, you could do the same, and use your choice of companion mod to recruit the girls to form your own gang, with you as the leader. and yeah, I knew you were a girl, i just said that to further confuse gerre7. Editing the companion orders to include rape etc. is an option.

Also Note that one of colourwheel's mods adds a gang of marauder schoolgirls to Gweeden farm. If you are a powerful wizard, spelled console and persuade the schoolgirls to stopcombat and setownership of them. They too will obey your every command.

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Ok i will check that out' date=' but i mean...if there was an official lovers Anvil Gang mod it would be perfect lol




Countless possibilities. Put together a story.


Keep in mind that changes to Gweden can have an impact on other aspects of the game.

The heirlooms / Loot recovered from Gweden basement - come into play later on. This could be expanded upon.. further extortion from the owners, etc. or returning their items.


The aforementioned Gweden brothel mod, changes the basement, and adds a new building to the farm, plus customers, and girls who work in the brothel.


Another couple mods I can think of in the vicinity are "Caged arena" near the farm down by the water, and "The beach house" right next to that.

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After Finishing the Gweden Stables mod, I moved to a new Revival mod, that Revives HawkHaven and ill be adding a new thread about it soon and a download. (i have about most of it done, now i have to do the creature testing area, add more interiors, and maybe some caves.) my biggest issue currently with HawkHaven is how you go on the edge of the island and its super thin, But i'll find out how to fix it and make it actually look like an island :D

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After Finishing the Gweden Stables mod' date=' I moved to a new Revival mod, that Revives HawkHaven and ill be adding a new thread about it soon and a download. (i have about most of it done, now i have to do the creature testing area, add more interiors, and maybe some caves.) my biggest issue currently with HawkHaven is how you go on the edge of the island and its super thin, But i'll find out how to fix it and make it actually look like an island :D




You might check some of the Hawkhaven mods on nexus for ideas. Save yourself some headache over what's already been tackled.


In the past, I've activated two mods at the same time, that have slight differences. To get a little hands on feel comparing the two. Switch them in load order to dominate the terrain changes, and figure out which one works best. Then edit parts out from one, and merge the two for a final product. If that makes sense.

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Yah, hehe... i looked up some HawkHaven mods. And no offence, but they were absolute crap (excuse my french :D) There are buildings scattered everywhere with no rhyme or reason, the trees aren't place well and there is no lakes or rivers at all -.-. But my mod will have everything you can think such as: horse stables, a farm, a meadery, A shop, BEAUTIFUL landscape (really, its Awesome :D), Caves, a dock, maybe more towns, and more npcs. Therefore I'm saving OTHER people a headache of putting up with the crap that's already out there.


ps. The only ones im going to edit and possibly put up with my mod is these 2:





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Yah' date=' hehe... i looked up some HawkHaven mods. And no offence, but they were absolute crap (excuse my french :D) There are buildings scattered everywhere with no rhyme or reason, the trees aren't place well and there is no lakes or rivers at all -.-. But my mod will have everything you can think such as: horse stables, a farm, a meadery, A shop, BEAUTIFUL landscape (really, its Awesome :D), Caves, a dock, maybe more towns, and more npcs. Therefore I'm saving OTHER people a headache of putting up with the crap that's already out there.


ps. The only ones im going to edit and possibly put up with my mod is these 2:








I thought you were talking about the terrain issue in Hawkhaven. One of the mods out there fixed it, but I don't remember which.


I just remembered it's called something else. It's a mod built on Hawkhaven, but they named it different.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nevermind with my Superior Designing Skills (lol :D) i fixed it and expect that mod to be up very soon


I had been trying to find a place to relocate "Pepper Joe's Beer Shack" due to it being in a space occupied by another mod, and no viable way of patching the two to fit together. I thought surfing might be better out on the coast anyway, rather than on the still waters in Anvil bay. I was hesitant to make surfable waves on the beaches near crowhaven, as it might conflict with other mods in that area, but I found a solution that shouldn't conflict with anything.


After you got me running around in Hawk Haven, I started playing around and made some crude wave forms that roll up on the beach there, and now a brutal race of killer waves is in the making.

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