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LF Mod recommendations- visual upgrades

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Here is what Im working with:

Mod list as it affects the screenshot:

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11623  Green Commonwealth - Performance Friendly Grass Mod

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1764  GraFix Texture Overhaul 3a


Where I would like to go, Id like colors - to be a little deeper.  It seems the suns way of making things bright is by some "light fog"..   IM not sure if this is hue or saturation.. I fail at art.     the sun seems "over exaggerated"  I look out on a bright sunny day in real life and see beautiful green grass, vibrant roses, etc...  id like to get a little closer to that..

Id like to get it so whatever the range of my rifle  is loaded like you see right in front  I think its 60% loaded when i zoom in at present.


Id like to tone the sun down.. bluer sky, not as bright sun


ENBs are out.  I've tired about 6 different ENBs as we speak. Each one ive made whatever .ini changes were recommended, but I consistently cut my FPS from 60 to 20-30
I mean if your willing to walk me through line by line through all the .INIs, radeon software settings  on how to tweak it  Id give it a shot- right now its walls of text and different thoughts that i can barely interpret..  but ENBs are out

Sporting a RX580, 8gb.  32 Gb ram, and an I7 3.4ghz




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