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Factions and ownership???

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I'm a bit lost with Factions and ownership.


The idea is that I have an NPC that 'owns stuff' until I recruit her as companion, then her stuff becomes 'my stuff' as well. I took at a look at how this was setup for Piper. There's a faction DmndPublickOwnerFaction and I copied this setup. I checked her recruitment quest and found the player was added to this faction. So I think I copied this whole setup right, yet.. well read the issues below in more detail:


- I have a custom NPC that can be recruited. In her cellar, there are a lot of items.

- I've created a faction called '_ivy_ownership_faction' and have assigned ownership to all of these items by selecting that faction.

- I set the faction to be able to be 'owner'

(This works, the items turn red when I go into her cellar).




I have two problems:

1) Ivy does not attack the player when they steal her stuff.

2) Her stuff does not become 'my stuff' once I recruited her.


- I have added my NPC to this faction at rank 0.

- When she is recruited I call Game.GetPlayer().AddToFaction(_ivy_ownership_faction)


But after that the items stay red.

There is no error in the papyrus log, so the call must be functioning.


She does not attack me when I steal her items, this is also an issue I need to solve.

So I added a crime faction to her that tracks crime. But when I checked the 'Use Info'  for the DmndPublickOwnerFaction I saw it was only being called in her recruitment quest, it's not some sub-child of another crime faction.


So I created a custom crimefaction for Ivy:




Ivy's factions:




So at this point I'm a bit lost... Any tips for both problems will be greatly appreciated!

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1st problem solved. I had the 'AddToFaction' after a loop call, so it never ran. Items now belong to the player after recruitment.

I still can't get her to attack the player though when they steal.. must have something to do with the crime factions.. or perhaps the follower script vars..

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