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Screenshot Notice - The Men and Women of Vault Tec

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Having a blast doing the Men and Women of Fallout 3, 4, 76, and all points in between and adding a couple of Vault numbers in there myself.  Vaults 72 (The Hospital), Vault 86 (The Archive), Vault 91 (A.H.M. or Advanced Human Mutation and Vault-Tec's Bio-Engineering Division), Vault 100 (A Nexus-Vault housed with over 2000 Vault-Tec Employees with trans-dimensional telepads and a fleet of vertibirds), and Vault 113 (home of the notorious Liar's Lair).  I'd like to do Vault Suits with these individual numbers some day, maybe when I learn how to use the correct software.


Coming Soon, I hope.


Zoey Goldschmitt - a hard and bitter Ex-Gunner mercenary with a knack for androids hails from Little Lamplight and Vault 87.  She has taken a vow to track and eliminate the murderous association called Talon Company to the last man.  That 's if she can get away from the Gunners first.  Zoey's bad reputation and hard luck seems to follow her where ever she goes.  Now she's here in the Commonwealth of Boston to fulfill the vow of a dying friend.


The Caprice Sisters - Well, let's just say Vault 108 has several sub-levels and "Gary" wasn't the only clone to leave the Capital Wasteland.  A series of clones, 108 groups in all, are stored in cryogenic sleep deep inside 5 localized sub-basements.  The Caprice Sisters, from that same Vault, are, if not worse, than Gary-Series clone that plagues the Capital Wasteland.  Thy are the most recognized and beautiful female clones in post-nuclear America.  A warning to the wise and foolish, If you see twins beware.  Rumor says there are five of them in any given group and they function very well as a team and are trained combat fighters.  


Siobahn Shivers - this prudish woman wouldn't be caught dead without her power armor.  Born in Megaton near Vault 101 and recruited into the Brotherhood of Steel when she turned 13, has spent the 17 years of her time and life on the outskirts of Northern Maryland or within the traveling ranks of the Brotherhood.  Now she is on a solo mission, searching for a traitor to the Brother in a place the locals of the Commonwealth call Nuka-World.


Sun-Nee MacIntyre - Except no substitutes, she is the Daughter of James MacIntyre, Founder of Project Purity representing Vault 101.  Her current mission is to catalog the location of other Vaults outside the Capital Wasteland for the Brotherhood of Steel and Naval Science Institute.  She's here to make contact with Vault 81 with the possibility of establishing a secure trade route.  Her second mission is to find the main entrance to the Lost Vault, Vault 117.  There is something inside that Vault the Brotherhood of Steel desperately needs.


Magnus "My Blood is Type-0 Green" Odinsohn - Originally from West Virginia and an original inhabitant, Magnus is one of thee oldest living survivors of Vault 76.  The only male of this group and has ghoulified not once, but on three other occasions and has been cured each time.  A combination of multiple viral infections, anti-viral meds, and stasis pods has kept alive for nearly 210 years with no sign of slowing down.  Trained as Green Beret and as a Park Ranger, Magnus spent the first five years stabilizing the Appalachians before venturing in Maryland, Eastern Pennsylvania, and the Commonwealth of Boston (Circumnavigated and marked the outer most boundaries of the Glowing Sea) to stabilize other parks and wilderness habitats.  He wears his Vault-suit (Marked with the numbers 76 ) under his Park Ranger uniform proudly.  Magnus is deadly proficient with his modified fire axe.  If you can get past the scares all over his body, he's the best ally and the most knowledgeable forester you can ever have.


Update 20191221 - The Door is Open or Exploring Some New Vaults

Second Update - 20201214


With the exception of Vaults 45 and 118, the remaining vaults are located in West Virginia and the Appalachia, the old state of Maryland and the Washington D.C. area (The Capital Wasteland) or Massachusetts and the general area outside the Commonwealth of Boston (51, 63, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114, 117, 118).


Vault 45 - (Location: one mile north of Riverton, Wyoming)

Vault 45 was a control vault located near Riverton, Wyoming.  Vault 45 was designed via its location as to position it approximately 200 or such miles away from any other residential vaults or bomb shelters.  Isolation of this control group and its vault was the key paradigm to the Societal Preservation Program.  The idea was to create a community from the ground up free and away from future external cultural (except for historical factors) contamination.  Vault 45 is a true control group with no covert agenda.  Its opening date was set for 80 years in 2157.  this vault, from corporate records, came equipped with a G.E.C.K.  Similar to Vault 92, Vault 45 was marketed, however, as to preserve Western culture and heritage among a variety of ethnicities and creeds in the Western regions of the United States.  Vault 45 would have state of the art building faculties, seed vaults, embryonic arc to repopulate pure strain animals, and a fully functional G.E.C.K.


Vault 51 - (Location: Forest Region of the Appalachias, Northeast of Point Pleasant)

A brief history can be found here: https://fallout.gamepedia.com/Vault_51


Vault 61 - (Location: Unknown)

This vault was never completed before October 23rd, 2077.  Vault 61 lain in abandoned and somewhat ruin until some 10 years ago when an expedition from Vault 100 discovered the main door was sealed but functional.  With the power generators restored, the vault was brought up to a minimum of functionality as the access its potential.  Vault 100's Board of Directors decided to finish its construction and bring the installation to full operational capacity.  Vault 61 would become a penal colony of sorts.  Housing the worse criminals and psychopathic to rise after the post-nuclear devastation of the Great War


Vault 63 - (Location: South of Welch, West Virginia) 

Information about Vault 63 can be found here, https://www.polygon.com/2019/2/10/18219293/fallout-76-vault-63-location-inside-dlc-cut-content and here: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_63


Vault 68 - (Location: Trenton, New Jersey)

Vault 68 was meta-control group, a gage, and a health barometer for the some 22-25 Vault (control) Groups.  It was intended to be a mix-salad and to see if the vault could function with various personalities and ethnicities and to see if conflict resolution could be obtained without oversight or overseer discretion.  To add pressure and another antagonizing variable, Vault 68 was opened exactly three hours after the bombs fell on the Eastern Coast.  Modified eye-bots (E-M pulse and radiation resistant) were dispatched to recruit survivors in the immediate area of Trenton, New Jersey.  999 random recipients had exactly three hours to reach the main vault before it sealed once again.  Survivors would be administered anti-radiation treatments and then shown to their new quarters.  A new life would proceed as if their old life never mattered.


Vault 69 - (Location: Unknown)

Twin Vaults maintained by two overseers and whose experimental function strictly separates the residencies on the basis of their physical sex and gender.  Homosexuality and other deviant forms of sexuality or expression are simple eradicated or expelled for the purpose of this heterosexual experiment.  Housing of both sexes occurs in two separate dormitories.  While Vault 75 was conducting unethical experiments to breed the ultimate soldier, Records from Vault 100 indicate that Vault 69 was breeding both sexes to become the perfect mates with abilities into the empathic spectrum of behavior.  


Vault 72 - (Location: 12 miles south of Baltimore, Maryland)

Heavily fortified by barriers, wreckage, and collapsed rubble, patrolled on a rotating basis via a coveted contract with Talon Company.  Vault 72 maintains some security with eye-bots and military combat droids.  Starting out as another control group, but with a stated function and purpose after the events that transformed post-apocalyptic America.  Vault 72 is simply a large medical faculty and hospital.  All individuals inside Vault 72 are trained doctors, physicians, medical technicians, or researchers.  Security is done via robots and Talon Company.  It's not unusual to find both or all three operating hand-in-hand.


Vault 76 - 


Vault 77 - (Location: Northwest of Paradise Falls but outside the Capital Wasteland, east of Hagerstown, inside the Catocin Mountain Park)

The entrance to this vault around the bend away direct line-of-sight.  It holds a social isolation experiment still operational after two hundred years to the present day.  Located along the Interstate 270 and used by merchant caravans, astute merchants with pip boys, use the Vault 77's vast warehouse to store scavenged goods, computers, robots, and military hardware.  Vault 77 is a multi-dimensional habitat/teserract, isolation cell, and warehouse stationed with Vault 77 but separated from the main experiment.


Vault 79 - 


Vault 85 - (Location: 25 miles northeast of Washington D.C.) 

Vault 85 was a large commorancy for it inhabitants, designed to be a stressor, and all of whom had little or no engineering skills.  The technology and equipment was designed to stress the registered inhabitants with a consistent state of needy repairs.  All equipment and useful devices were designed to break randomly, others at timed intervals, and eventually became unrepairable.  Ineffectiveness was a commonplace. theme  All technology had a life expectancy no more than five years, save the Overseer's Office, the main Power Generator (Cecil, a Mr. Handy was assigned as the reactors repair technician), and the Mechanism operating the Vault 85's main door.  Within 24 months in operation, Vault 85 was abandoned.  It's inhabitants and descendants live outside the Vault 85 in a pastoral community with a near Amish attitude towards technology.  When the inhabitants of Vault 92 fled the experiments of their vault, they found acceptance with the community of Vault 85.  Vault 85 did not have a G.E.C.K. in its inventory.


Vault 86 - (Location: Unknown)

 The Archive.  Actual location is still undetermined as of 20191226.


Vault 91 - (Location: 15 miles South of Canobie Lake Park, on the west side of I-93, within southern New Hampshire)

The Vault is believed to be in operation to this very day.   The purpose of this Vault is two expand the human condition via genetic engineering (i.e. beneficial mutation) and thus create a race of breedable human mutants.


Vault 94 - 


Vault 96 - 


Vault 98 - (Location: Unknown) 

Vault 98's true function was to gauge and study a Mass Transport Arch (M.T.A.) discovered three centuries ago (roughly 1930) in Egypt.  Activated so long ago and after its quantities were gauged, It's home in Cheyenne Mountain was decommissioned then refurbished for neuro-cybernetic experiments at Vault-Tec's request.  Vault-Tec's Board of Directors relocated to Vault 100 days before October 23rd to continue its observation of the M.T.A.  Its current Board of Directors has a vested interest in the activities of Vault 98 and knows that it is still functional and fully operational, even to the present day.


Vault 100 - (Location: Willington, Pennsylvania, southwest of Philadelphia) 

Vault 100 opened exactly 100 years to day after it was secured shut.  Now the ten block area around Vault 100 is in full operation with a population of 10,000 governed by Vault-Tec's CEO and a governing board via corporate hierarchy.  Vault 100 is a true corporate government.


Vault 104 - (Location: North of Cockeysville, just outside Baltimore, Maryland) 

Access to the vault's main entrance room is simple with any serviceable Pip-Boy.  The inner doors that lead to the lower levels are sealed from both sides of the vault.  Nothing organic, (except someone in the Overseer's office) is alive and surviving the high levels of gamma radiation scrubbing the remaining clean and sterile.  The science teams of Vault 104 were engaged in experiments that focused on immunophysiology and molecular generation via blood platelet and regenerating nannites .   Reassembling a host from the ground up, literally was the unethical goal of Vault 104. 


Vault 110 - (Location: 5 miles north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

It seems the experiments conducted on the inhabitants of Vault 110 were a success with over 75% of a population of 1000 responded to a mixture of genetic manipulation and organelle grafting.  Longevity experimentation and the application of Anti-Aging pharmaceuticals on its Vault Residents, resulted in some inhabitants are well over two hundred and twelve years old by 2212.


Vault 113 - (Location: 20 miles west (right outside) Trenton, New Jersey but within the western boarder of Pennsylvania) 

The vault itself is maintained by the A.I. overseer.  Only the A.I grants access into and out of the vault.  Designed to be an experiment similar to Vault 21, Vault 113 inhabitants are all habitual or pathological liars.


Vault 117 - (Location: The Glowing Sea, Southwest Massachusetts)

What started as an experiment in holo-deck and particle synthesis technology turned into a tomb for the inhabitants of Vault 117.  The entire vault is still intact, but powerless.  The inhabitants, all ghoulified inhabit what mercenary companies come to call a graveyard.  Field reports say the power generators and the internal lights are salvageable and can be repaired.  The remaining ferals inside Vault 117 have become accustomed to darkness and bright photonic bursts or prolonged lighting painfully hurts their sensitive eyes.


The Glowing Sea's physical dimensions constantly shift with the rolling coastal air currents.  The "Sea" itself extends from the shattered ruins of Westwood, Norwood, and Dedham southwest riding the old I-95, all the way across Providence, Rhode Island and ending somewhere along the coastlines of the former New England states.  The former capital of Providence is a blasted hulk of high radioactivity and abandoned buildings.  The old city is infested with "ferals", with some intelligent and more friendly "ghouls" managing to survive and thrive.  The Mod itself can be found here, on the Fallout 4 Nexus Site: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32242


Vault 119 - (Location: 25 mile northwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

"The Hive" - With what began as an embryonic arc similar to Vault 96, ended when super-mutants broke inside Vault 119 and exposed the insect wing on Level 5 to canisters of FEV.  The bio-chemicals and mutagenic agents turned the undeveloped "eggs" into hungry and very larger-than-life life monstrosities.  Reports from the Brotherhood of Steel, the Minutemen, and (believe it or not) Talon Company claim that the insects function together for the defense of Vault 119 and oddly enough with a very unique hive mind.  Thankfully field reports indicate that the upper four levels are accessible and the former inhabitants had time to seal the rest of the vault (levels 1-4, 6-13) from the 



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Holly Krieger - Vault 114/Vault 77 - Venom in the Blood


“I am the night and I hunger.  Pray for your life that we may never cross.”
- Holly "Latrodectus Mactans" Kreiger, Scavenger, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary
Unintended victim of xenogenetic modification and porphyritic ghoulification via FEV


"Easy now!  Easy!"  Doctor Jacob Forsythe replied.  "Your still week from blood loss and you lost a lot blood."


"...uh, what happened?  How did I get here?" Holly replies with an inquisitive look across her face.  "Dammit!  Where's my partner  Where's Coulson?"


"He didn't survive the trip." replied Overseer McNamara.  "One of our traveling merchants brought him along with you to Vault 81.  They found this odd blood pack and an I.V. attached to your left arm.  I don't what he was thinking but this is an experimental blood pack, not something he should use on use without examining the content more carefully."


"My partner couldn't read or write." Holly responded.  "I Was helping him with that before we were ambushed inside Vault 114."


"Vault 114.  What were you doing at the Vault 114?"


"I'm a scavenger and a hired gun when work is slow.  I'll do mercenary work or bounty hunting if the price is right."  She inhales deeply and continues, "Coulson found an unfinished Vault two years ago, his second if you believe in luck, in heart of Boston.  He wanted to hire a few professionals for scouting, recon and "vermin control."  If it worked, I would have a place to settle down and help build a community."


"Vermin Control?" Doctor Forsythe replied puzzled.  Before he could inquire more information, McNamara jabs him in the rib with her thumb with a face of disapproval.


"Yes.  His plan was to set up defenses then use it as a commercial hub of sorts.  Maybe set up a hospital and offer a few other services.  It was a stroke of good fortune or so it seemed so.  It was simply to good to pass up.  Unused medical technologies, light fire arms, undamaged computers, maybe a portable generator or two, just there for the taking.  He encountered raiders trying to set up a base of operations and wanted to make sure they left.  That was six months ago.  Three days ago, it was abandoned when we found it..."


"You've been in a fever state, delirious, for nearly six weeks," replied Dr. Forsythe correcting her absence of missing time.


"Six weeks?"


"Your body has been undergoing some interesting and unusual cellular changes," Overseer McNamara said.  It's best if you look in this mirror."  Handing her a mirror, Holly gently raises the objecting object and notices an impossible change of color.  It's her eyes.  Blood red in the iris, bloodshot elsewhere.  The sclera are now jet black.


"No.  Fucking.  Way.  how?"


"The blood pack contained an experimental serum." Dr. Forsaythe replied.  "Human blood cells spliced with FEV and genetic material from Latrodectus Mactans, an insect commonly known as a black widow spider.  If you want to know, we did some vision test while you wear unconscious.  You can see in near pitch-back conditions.  If your ready for another shock, lift up and pull down your lips.  I hold the mirror."  


Holly does as she's told.  And see sharp fangs positioned near her canines.


"what the fuck?"  She looks at Forsythe and MacNamara.


"We've examined it with what technologies we have and that pack was the source of a engineered viral infection."  replied Dr. Forsythe.  "Do you know where he found it?  We have your Pip-Boy.  Interesting, Vault 77?"


Dropping the mirror softly onto her lap, she continues.  "No, It wasn't there.  We discovered Vault 77 five years ago off the beaten track. Isolated and hiding in plain site, it's door faces away from the road.  It's on my Pip-Boy's map.  The Vault is Northwest of Washington DC, in what used to be Maryland, near the border of West Virginia.  The complex was completely abandoned except for a single living quarter, crates stocked with dry rations, untainted medicines, mostly stem-packs, crates filled Vault 77 vault suits, and nearly 200 unused Pip-Boys.  All in mint condition.  No weapons or armor.  That Vault did not have a bio-lab, but it did have a crate of hand puppets.  It was just out of place with everything else.  Coulson and I made it outside to discuss what we would salvage and leave there before the door automatically sealed itself.  Scarlett and Vizion were locked inside that awful vault.  We waited in the cave entrance well over a year before the door opened again.  Scarlett, uh, had to be, "sedated" and we found Vizion reduced to spare parts.  Once Scarlett was sedated, Coulson mentioned something about the IV bag and found it elsewhere further inside West Virginia at an abandoned hospital, a cancer clinic I think.


"There something else we need to mention." Dr. Forsythe replied.  "For a merchant, you were a robust 275 to 300 pounds in weight.  Now..," Pulling back the bed sheets, Holly just looks at her new body lithe, lean and trim, probably weighing no more than 105 to 115, give or take a pound.  Your physiology no longer accepts human food.  Like a spider, you feed off the blood and liquid remains of your fellow human.  We had a hard time retraining you and sedating you when became ravenous, but several blood transfusion have seem to calm you down.  Your body is undergoing a process similar to ghoulification, but this is different.  And with last few blood samples, I think it's completed.


She shakes her head.  "Okay Doctor, Ma'am, tell me more and let's get this bad situation over with."


Copyright: Jeffrey Williams

Holly Kreiger is my sole intellectual property.





































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  • 3 weeks later...

Jeffrey N. Williams - Vault 111 - Man Out of Time, Man out of Place - Part 01


"This would've been better if I had simply died 200 years ago along with my wife and son.  Through a contract with Vault-Tec and several strokes of misfortune, I am here at the end of the civilization with a rebuilt motorcycle, an All-Terrain Personnel Transport, an eccentric but beautiful scientist, and one stray German Shepard.  His makeshift name-tag calls him Dogmeat.  No telephone number or address to his rightful owners.  Figure this in a world gone mad."  I think I'll call him Lucky instead...


"As for Tina Caprice, well, she's stacked fully built and has one of the tightest pussies I've ever had the pleasure of plowing home with my American rod.  She's not the good girl next door type, but she's better in some areas than some for the trash and degenerates I've witnessed in the last two weeks.  Found her exploring outside Vault 111 and she in turn was surprised by my Vault 111 uniform.  The same uniform handed to me 200 years ago by the employees of Vault-Tec.  In fact, that's where I want to begin my search of Sean.  Maybe Vault-Tec will have clues as to his location in the Commonwealth.  Meanwhile. it's just me and Tina tonight.  I'm horny as fuck."


"Just footnote I might need for future references.  Underneath Caprice's expedition suit, she wears a Vault-Tec jumpsuit, a bit slooty, but it has its own number.  She says she from the Capital Wasteland and she's from an instillation there called Vault 108."



























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Jeffrey N. Williams - Vault 111 - Man Out of Time, Man out of Place - Part 02


"At the end of the night, I sit inside my ATV, air conditioner rolling so slightly.  Taine is asleep and before the darkness swallows me, I wonder what will I do and who will I be."

























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Jeffrey N. Williams - Vault 111 - The Warehouse of indecency  - Part 01


"We found this warehouse on the outskirts of the commonwealth at place called Sunshine Tidings Co-Op.  With Army Green-Hammer (That's what he calls himself and a recently acquire military combat android), Codsworth, (my faithful Mr. Handy), Lucky the Stray, and Tina in the ATV's gunner nest, we made short work of several freaks-of-a-mutated nature.  Ferals or Ghouls as Tina called them.  She assured me that not all were mindless and violent.  Some have lived as well over two hundred years.  I can hardly believe that and believe me, if there was something natural about them, it left them a long time ago.  Once we secured the ATV inside the warehouse, we went to work on each other that night.  She likes it from the behind."


"Kinky bitch.  And built like a brick house."

























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Jeffrey N. Williams - Vault 111 - The Warehouse of indecency  - Part 04



















...and then she squirts violently.  Our place of copulation is marked and stained.  A cream pie is made in the end.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Holly Krieger - Vault 87 (Little Lamplight)/Vault 114 - Holding His Own


"Here you are Trudy.  One wayward son returned to you unharmed, healthy, and cleaned of jet.  Thanks to those two doses of addictol and a night's sleep to clear his head.  Well, this is a definite first in my book."


"I'm never going to do another hit of jet again, I swear..," he says nervously as he looks away from his mother, again.


"Oh really," Trudy says sarcastically to her son.  "Where did you find him this time.?"


"Near the Super-Duper mart, buck-naked with his flag hoisted high and flying like a vetribird.  He's damn lucky that a pack of feral didn't take an instant hankering to a free meal.  They roam Lexington with no qualms.  If he made to the old Corvega Factory, well there's no telling what could've happened to him."  Holly smiles and then takes a bow.


"As agreed, 1000 caps or similar merchandise, or a mixture of both," says Trudy.  "Now, I'll show you what I have."


"First, get him some fresh clothes," says the tracer.  "Your son, well, his endowment is distracting."


Side Note: this is a non-venomized Holly Kreiger.  This take place three weeks before her metamorphosis.












































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Holly Krieger - Vault 87 (Little Lamplight) - A Hard Day's Night on the Town - part 01


Prostitution, it's the only real occupation left for women in Commonwealth of Boston.  If you're not living in Vault 81, Diamond City, or one of the settlements, or some have some other specific skill, you're just plain shit out of luck.  For someone like Holly Kreiger, working as a caravan merchant, freight hauler, tracer, then as a mercenary lead to several lucrative contracts.  Then the proverbial well runs dry from time to time and it leads her to the world's oldest profession.  When the caps are down, it doesn't hurt flash some breast and show the bush that drive men to sweat, especially in Diamond City.  The guards like Holly Krieger because she looses control of her inhibitions and squirts a stream of arousal down her thighs.


And the guards, well, they're such easy pickings.
































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  • 2 months later...

The Shape of Things to Come - Cherelle Flicker


I'm back.  I'm still in the process of loading mods and utility files plus as a bonus,


}}}}}}}}}}}} drum roll {{{{{{{{{{{{


I'm experimenting with skin textures, tattoos, pubic hairs and other overlays through LooksMenu mod.  Knocking on wood, the  change in texture has gone off without a hitch crash.


Background: Cherelle Flicker is the wife of the Vault-Tec genetist and medical combat veteran, Nathan (Nate) Flicker.  Nate was treating a rare blood and skin condition that plagued Cherelle since puberty.  Using the DNA gene-sequences found in the eastern diamondback rattlesnake and splicing it with key DNA protein sequences found inside the unnatural FEV (Forced Evolution Virus), Nate successfully treated and eliminated her disorder with some surprise results (i.e. mutations).  When Vault Tec's science wing was informed of his success, their research executives stationed Nate and Cherelle near Vault 111 with the intention of transferring them to Vault 91 where their immedaite future and any future offspring would be safe.  The Chinese struck too soon and Cherelle was forced to "hibernate" in the safety of Sanctuary Hills located outside Boston.  Vault Tec has Nate's personal logs, experiemntal journals, physical samples, and several pints of her mutant blood in cold storage.  To their best and exotic luck, Cherelle's blood classification is Type 0.  Rest assured, Vault 91 is looking to replicate his research and eventually breed a race of  "serpent-mem" and "women".


This character was inspired by paychesIX Diamondback skin texture (See Below)

Diamondback: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33124


Everything else was cultivated from the Fallout 4 game, except for the serpent eyes.  I forgot which mod that one was but she came out quite well and I'm thinking of using an installing a tail mod.  Her tail comes in  two sizes


Equipable Rattle Snake Tail: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33671









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The Shape of Things to Come - Kai Morgan


I've flushed out very little background involving Kai Morgan. 


Background: She is Welsh in descent, not Irish.  A fact, as orange-haired and freckled as she is, she not correct with colleagues or criminals.  She speaks Welsh, French, and German with a great fluency and has often used the her grandmother's welsh tongue to convey and transmit coded information.  When asked, she says she German in descent.


She and her husband Nate are police officiers (Criminal Investigation Division) for the late Commonwealth of Massachuettes.  Assigned to Greater Boston Area, they spent the last 8 to 10 years before October 23rd exposing smuggling and prostitution rings operating as far as Boston, south eastern New York, Phillidephia, Maryland, and West Virginia.  They were slated for Vault-tec security (officier) positions at Vault 87, then Vault 101, then Vault 106, then Vault 114, then Vault 117, then finally accepted into Vault 111.


She earned the scar from inflitrating the Aldermeri Prositution Ring and successfully exposed the leaders and clients exploiting under-aged girls and children for sexual deparavity and under-aged pornography  (Shades of Jeffrey Epstein?).  Being in a higher and sexually charged profession has made Kai promicuious and expressive, but privately with her husband and within her home.  


I will flush more out at a later date. 

















































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The Shape of Things to Come - Natasha Fussingturtle


The one, the only, the outspoken and boisterious Natasha Fussingturtle, descendant of Vault 95.  Yes, out of 100 inhabitants, 20 - 25 escaped the drug induced carnage that validated the research parameters set fortrh by Vault-Tec.  Seeing that there sancutary was nothing more than a cage.  25 drug-addled inhabitants left Vault 95 via a series of caravans northwest for the Vault and emerged in the western foothills of Massachuettes.  They settled down and formed a tight-knit community of archlight.  Natasha was born and raised in this township until she decided to strike out of her own at the age of 18.  She cran into her first encounter.  A riader clan some 75 miles north of Archlight.  Needless to say after several tattoos and a few good raids, this bad seed fit right with the Red Claws.


Right now, a rogue science branch (Think Tank) of the Enclave captured her during on of their puritanical purges and subjected her to psychological exploitation via a memory lounger.  Eventually, Natasha was brainwashed and used as an Enclave agent to gather information on all person's, places, events and technologies that she would discover.


With a recent change involving Fallout 4 and F4SE, I was forced to jettison two months of work and rebuild my games all over again.  There will be some slight variations with Natasha for the foreseeable future and some minor quirks and tattoos with her presentation.  Rest assured she the same as she ever was.


More of Natahsa's back story can be found here: 



and here:

















































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  • 1 month later...

Pariah - Vault 117 (The Glowing Sea) - Atomic Faith - Part 01


I'm a super-mutant or a ghoul?  Or am I something like any you have never seen.  I was a researcher, a scientist who served under an institution that called themselves Enclave. By clumsy accident, I inhaled a gaseous bio-toxin called FEV over 200 years ago and have wandered the Glowing Sea and its surrounding regions ever since.  I was abandoned by them on the front door of Vault 117 some 25 years after the bombs fell.  I know its secrets, what it contains, and its long lost location. To thee I say away from my temple, you are not welcomed, save to any ghouls or Super-Mutants.  Those souls too from Vault 87 and the Capital Wasteland, they may find sanctuary here.  This I say this to all the healthy "smooth-skins" and the Children of the Atom.  They will come to understand the true meaning of Atom's Glory or those heretics shall perish by my hand.




























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  • 1 month later...

Isis, Goddess of the Nile - Vault 98 - Through the Gate Unknown - Part 01


Apparently the technology added to the interior entrance of Vault 98 has worked at some point in its existence and the exterior entrance eludes researchers and explorers to this very day.  With no external interface for Vault-Tec's Pip-Boy in Vault 98, there is no way of opening it from the outside, save explosives or some significant physics utilizing a greater force.  In today's post-nuclear earth, such an event is quite possible.  Although designed and planned as a control Vault, Vault 98's true function was to gauge and study a Mass Transport Arch (M.T.A.) discovered three centuries ago (roughly 1930) in Egypt.  Activated so long ago and after its quantities were gauged, It's home in Cheyenne Mountain was decommissioned then refurbished for neuro-cybernetic experiments at Vault-Tec's request.  Vault-Tec's Board of Directors relocated to Vault 100 days before October 23rd to continue its observation of the M.T.A.  Its current Board of Directors has a vested interest in the activities of Vault 98 and knows that it is still functional and fully operational, even to the present day.


Vault-Tec stated that continuing research into M.T.A. technologies could continue and that it could continue at a relocated and advanced site.  They pushed for the construction and activation of Vault 98 only if Enclave (operatives loyal to that faction) could been re-located and serve as a advanced military guard.  Vault-Tec agreed but there would be two sets of personnel.  One authorized by Vault-Tec (Vault 98 suits) and the other for Enclave (Standard American/military fatigues).  Once the financing and contracts were signed, this joint venture was established and an underground complex near Roanoke, Virginia.  To the general pubic, Vault 98 was left off reservation lists.   With the Mass Transport Arc installed and powered to full operational ability, Vault-Tec and Enclave began exploring new solar systems for technologies, fertile sites for agricultural development and unclaimed mineral resources.  Up to 20,000 soldiers and support personnel (including anthropologists) were stationed at Russel Air-Force Base.  Humanity would survive, it would be off-world and away from the main governing body of the post-nuclear America.


Contact with the inhabitants of Vault 98, an advance contact group listed on the Vault's manifest, has played well in the hands of the Sys'Tec.  Some five decades after the events of October 23rd, 2077, Vault 98 establishes and maintains diplomatic contact with the Sys'Tec and through their ambassador Isys, begins laying down a treaty that establishes humanity on another solar system as well as the development of businesses and other societal functions.  For what purpose and how it serves into the agenda of the Sys'Tec remains an unrevealed factor save the bottom levels of Vault 98 serves them as a nursery and that they have a hidden base on Earth, so well hidden, that any Zetans will never discover its location. 































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Nebula MacKenzie - Vault 69 - The Heart Has Its Reasons Which Reason Knows Not 


Vault 75 was an experimentation Vault whose focus was on eugenics (research and development) directed itself to the breeding of the perfected soldier.  Its sister vault, Vault 69 was different.  It was an eugenics project designed to engineer and breed the perfect mate.  Using advanced neuro-eugenics, cloning, and some unethical embryology of its day, Vault-Tec was able to breed a human species variant with empathic and low-level (almost Vulcan) telepathic abilities.  The over-all goal of Vault 69 remains unclear, but it seem that Vault-Tec and the post-atomic American government (Enclave) wanted to eliminate divorce and infidelity as a societal factor and thus in turn increase monogamy and stabilize the foundation needed for unborn future generations to thrive.  This would be no soldiers or military geared society, but rather a self-propagating stabilized labor pool.  Their most recent success is a young woman named Nebula MacKenzie.  A woman eager to explore and bond with outsiders beyond the safety of vault.  When the factors are right, an eye-bot will sent into the surrounding vicinity of Vault 69 and potential subjects will be studied and analyzed.  Once she makes direct contact, she will telepathically meld and engrain her personality onto her selected partner and he will onto her.  This couple will be re-introduced to Vault 69 and it's surrounding but well-guarded community.


Vault 69's location is not well known, almost a few outsiders, mainly traders, know of it's existence.





































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Jien Terashita - Vault 92 - A New Dawn from an Old Bunker - Part 01


Jien Terashita, a surviving descendant of Vault 92, arrives with settlers and other questionable riff-raff from the Capital Wasteland.  Included in this band were descendants from Vaults 72, Vault 85, Vault 92 (a few more), and Vault 101.  Among that group were ambassadors from The Brotherhood of Steel seeking to establish a beach-head North above the Glowing Sea with a base of operations inside Vault 95.  The surviving descendants of Vault 95 had no qualms about turning the faculty over the to Brotherhood.  They had left that particular horrible experiment behind them almost two centuries ago.


Jien, here in the Commonwealth, will meet with her sometime partner and lover, Packard Stone.  Both have worked as bodyguards and mercenaries and with each other from time to time.  Packard is an experienced Power Armor Operator and has served in the Brotherhood of Steel until his discharge.  That was five years ago.  It seems they will be employed by a woman claiming to be from Vault 110, somewhere Northeast of Boston and North from the ruins of Philadelphia and the corporate city of Vault 100.  This woman, Milana Vermuelen, has three bodyguards and a blood relative among her numbers.  Her grandson, Williams Vermuelen, is a hydro-geologist and hydro-engineer by trade.  An intelligent ghoul named Magnus Odinsohn will round out the command ranks.  Magnus is over 200 years old and hails from Vault 76.  He has more working experience in this region and several regions outside the Commonwealth.  Magnus is someone she has worked with in the past.  Serving Milana is a liberated assaultron named Ada.  She is highly stable but continues to mourn the loss of her last crew.  Rounding out the group is a slightly smarter-than-your-usual super-mutant called Mac-Ten.  He a heavy weapon user and abuser.


They're off to find Vault 104 and then return to Vault 110.  It's a mercy mission and her code of honor will not let her fail...































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