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How to play WickedWhim Animations WITH poseplayer?


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I just want to take a bunch of screenshots of sex and not have to go through a ton of menus to make that happen via wickedwhims, I'd rather just click and select the animation I want without having to deal with WW other features. 


However I've discovered the Sims 4 poseplayer doesn't "discover" animation packs made for wickedwhims because of how they are "setup".


From what I can see its because they aren't configured correctly despite being shown AS animation packs in Sims4studio and what I THINK is happening is their missing the front end to select the animations in poseplayer.  Basically they arent setup as discoverable by poseplayer.


Also I admit I haven't tried this but is there a way to "add" cum layers manually without having to use wickedwhims?  Like in CAS?  That way I don't have to run my girls through an orgy to get them as covered or covered in specific areas that I want specifically?


As to why I don't want to use wickedwhims for this, its because I want more direct control much like a director wants.  WW is setup as a gameplay mod and it does that really well, but as a person who just wants to take screenshots like a director, it can be a pain to "control" in a way I want.  WW forces u to jump through a lot of "control" groups to get there (disables, clothing ect) and can be frustrating when your trying to get a specific shot as a director.


So how does one go about making the animation packs run with poseplayer?  What do I need to change in sims studio to make them work with it?



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If you want convenience then the pose player will not help you here, 

However it can be used in tandem with WW for setting up scenarios, 

Wicked whims packages are read differently and I think that its probably the xml part, 


As an animator I'm using the pose player to test my work quickly on the fly I haven't got the time to xml at that moment, 

It's actually quite a headache when more than one sim is involved, 

Animation isn't just just selected to play, you have to manually browse the list to find and queue the individual clips for each individual actor, 

When sims are teleported in to position, there is often some kind of residual action or an attempt to begin a fresh one, 

This means that the animation begins it can often result in as much as a 2-4 seconds gap between the actors, 

Meaning that it needs to be cancelled and started over, 


The way to avoid this is to use a static pose to start with and queue the animation next, then in pause, end the pose to move on to the animation, it helps but still is not truly in sync, 


Also when using animation this way, sims are still subject to their needs and other sims around them, meaning that actions will queue around them and things can get a little backed up! Sometimes the sim can cancel the interaction and just walk off and leaving the other(s) still in motion, 


It's possible to direct WW to a degree, it will begin animation in the direction that the sim faces (provided the animator didn't do a 180) 

You can use the teleport function by shift clicking the floor or teleport mod to achieve the direction that you want to face, 

Then just click the ground in front of his/her feet, 


The outfit issue can be avoided by using the manual undress/redress option and to speed things up its always good to switch to always accept and teleport to location rather than the walk and talk, 

Im sure I've seen some CC jizz around here and I'm hoping some kind soul can link it for you! 


If the settings interferes with your regular gameplay then just have an alternative save dedicated to your artwork! 

It's very much the long way round to do scenes and videos purely on pose player, trust me as I've done it lol

But like I say, with a bit of practice and thought its great to use alongside WW, 


It's possible to extract animation clips back into blend files then import them to a pose pack but it's not gonna save you any time toward what you want to achieve, 

Especially as you are then faced with the task of deciphering the names of the clips you need, some of us are not that organised with our naming clips (me included) 


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Ugh...thats too bad its more complicated then I thought.  I wish animations could be played with an animation player like with the Sims 3 sex animations.


Wickedwhims has so many little things that it does besides just playing animations which can be annoying, I basically have to save first and run everybody "through" the scenario just to take screens.  Then reset and reload to take the next one and so on.  Not to mention time of day, animation sequences and all that is darn annoying to work around WW gameplay - just to play the animation.


This is why I wanted a "classic" version of WW - one that just plays animations and doesn't force its "game play" on you just to see them.  Yes I know there are options you can deselect to make it easier but its still not enough control that I want, I'm still "playing' the system to get something very basic BUT in the way I WANT as the director. 


Although this makes me wonder one thing, I suspect most people that actually use WW and all the animations probably never take screenshots or videos during gameplay.  Obviously there are many of us that do, but now that I think of it my friends who play this never do and I suspect most people just watch it in-game.


Although that might not be true either, I remember a poll over on the official forums and HUGE portion of people actually DO play with a story in mind and record it like journal entries.


Well either way...I'm sad the pose player cant play WW animations easier. 


Maybe somebody else can write a mod that just plays ww animations and nothing more.  I'd imagine it would work like this - select "WW animation player", select location, select people and select animation itself.  Also an option to que animations after for sequence animations.  Then it starts until you stop it.


I would love a mod that could do that - how hard would that be to create?  Its just a script mod right?  Where would a good place to ask how to make such a mod be?  I've never made a mod myself but if somebody told me how to make a mod that would allow me to do that I'd give it a try unless somebody a lot more skilled could do it faster. 

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just export the clip then import the clip to animation pack for pose player in sims4studio


but for more than 1 sims, usually it need to sync, because in the ww clip, the actor doesnt always in the same spot.

that means you need to edit the blender (the clip you export) and make them sync

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