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MO2 and one specific file's mesh...

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Spent the last 8 hours fucking with MO2 and mods & meshes to get things set up for a new save.

Firstly, not doing that for a while. Secondly, Bit of an issue fixing one mesh. Spent a good 3-4 hours on this alone, including working out the Zap sliders and how they're supposed to work. Since it doesn't seem to want to, and I've no idea at this point, if it's due to MO2 or not.


And before anyone asks, A: properly did the Zap slider. From other mods' files I've got with working Zap sliders, it's set up identically. B: Is built correctly, actually needed to go redo it once, cause the slider got a bit too much of the underlying body mesh's vertices. I've also thrown the built BS *.nif into the mods install folder in MO2, as well as the ones I've kept in the games' Install folder, no dice.
Checked and rechecked if something could overwrite that specific mod/nif, which nothing does. Same with checking for obsolete *.nifs lying around that could be why it's not workin.


At this point, I'm tired, kinda sick of MO2 already [and Outfit Studio, thanks to the physics/Zap shit all day], and stumped.
Think I've got everything relevant added to the post, for someone to take a look themselves if they like. [Dress.nif is the BS-built file]

Edit: Oh and something also keeps fucking my face's texture, apparently. Keeps going several shades darker than it should be, usually notice it when I take another 3rd person look, 10mins in.

BZW_Sweet_Rebel_Dress.osp BZW_Sweet_Rebel_Dress.nif BZW_Sweet_Rebel_Dress.osd Dress.nif

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