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SoulCalibur VI: Ivy Throws Macro Download


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So no doubt those of you who have used Ivy have seen those severely complicated throws of hers.




I mean wtf, that's not even a reasonable series of inputs to be expected to use in a match.


Well, now you don't even have to. ?


Here's an AutoHotKey file I made that types all that shit for you.


You'll need 448409012_NUMLOCK.png.45ee431128d709e43a73fe070c38851e.png to be On:


  • Use NumPad 1 to use Summon Suffering
  • Use NumPad 2 to use Calamity Symphony
  • Use NumPad 4 for SS if you are on the right side, facing left
  • Use NumPad 5 for CS if you are on the right side, facing left


Required: AutoHotKey (obviously)


Just need to have it installed, then run the file in the folder to get the macro running. You can use the macros as soon as you run the file, but I didn't make a GUI for it, so you basically just have to assume it's running (or look at Task Manager).


If anyone wants to give the throws a different HotKey to activate them, right click the file and choose Edit Script. That option will show if you have AutoHotKey installed (if you don't, you can't use it). Then when it opens, look for the NumPad1:: and NumPad2:: (etc) and just change the those names to whatever you want your HotKey to be.



Send, {d down}{s down}
Sleep, 40

Change to:

[Type your key here]::
Send, {d down}{s down}
Sleep, 40

Then just Save the file, End Task in Task Manager (will say AutoHotKey Unicode 64-bit if you installed that version), and run it again, or just run it without doing that and it will tell you it's already running and ask if you want to replace the process with the newly started file (click Yes).




Ivy Throws Macro.rar

Ivy Fast Throws Macro.rar

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So I just remembered there is a Fast version of those 2 throws that does more damage, and basically acts as a Counter. I uploaded a second version that does this (almost) every time. Seems like it has a slight random factor, though. No matter how fast it is done it does not seem to do the Fast version 100% of the time, but it does it quite a lot now.


The move was sped up from .04 seconds per input to .01 seconds per input, so literally all 8 inputs for Calamity Symphony are completed in less than 1 second.


Part of the reason I did this is to even the playing field when you encounter that OP robobitch 2B while you're using Ivy. The other part of the reason is simply because the throws are so god dam hard you'll likely never pull one off during an actual fight.

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7 hours ago, JafK1 said:

Thanks for sharing, When I press the designated keys she does her CE instead of SS & CS. I am attempting to use the fast variation.

Just double-checked - She used SS and CS right away. Maybe the game just got confused for a sec and did a different move? The slightest hiccup or moment of lag could make key not register, thus doing the move wrong. If that's not what happened, maybe consider using the not-as-fast version. It holds the keys down slightly longer, giving the game a better chance of recognizing the inputs.

6 hours ago, Outlast1 said:

:( I have to use controller as keyboard for fighting games confuses me, but yea I love Ivy but some of her combos are way weird.

Keyboard inputs work when you are using a controller, so this file will still work with a controller. I considered making one specifically for a controller, but too much work if it is not necessary.

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25 minutes ago, Shiori栞 said:

Just double-checked - She used SS and CS right away. Maybe the game just got confused for a sec and did a different move? The slightest hiccup or moment of lag could make key not register, thus doing the move wrong. If that's not what happened, maybe consider using the not-as-fast version. It holds the keys down slightly longer, giving the game a better chance of recognizing the inputs.

Keyboard inputs work when you are using a controller, so this file will still work with a controller. I considered making one specifically for a controller, but too much work if it is not necessary.

I understand and I was not expecting controller support I have tried to play with key board but find it difficult to do so because i cant quite figure out the controls.

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1 hour ago, Outlast1 said:

I understand and I was not expecting controller support I have tried to play with key board but find it difficult to do so because i cant quite figure out the controls.

Just to be clear, this file will work for you. It doesn't matter if you use a controller or not.


Keyboard keys always work, even if you are using a controller, so the macro I made will work for you, and everyone else.

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ура! первые моды пошли ? я на клавиатуре не могу играть в файтинги, перехожу на геймпад (контроллер) . Айви и правда сложный персонаж , пожалуй самый сложный из всех женских персонажей в игре.

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  • 8 months later...
On 4/8/2020 at 4:13 AM, ohboyicandoivysthrow said:

hey buddy, i tried private messaging you, but i guess i can't with a new account. can you reupload your scripts? i'd love to do ivy's calamity symphony

Yeah, I just looked at my profile and saw you visited it. Then I took a look at your name and came here to see if maybe you left a reply here, and you did. :classic_happy:


What do you mean "reupload"? Those downloads still work...

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