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Temporary solution to my crashing problems...


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While surfing the net looking for the bios upgrade to my Asus A8n5x Motherboard, I notices a post on a forum stating that a fellow user had random and repeated crashes while gaming. They also owned the same motherboard as me...the Asus A8n5x.


Well, it turns out that that user also loaded Windows-7 on his computer. The forum members kindly told him that on the manufacturer website they explicitly state that the A8n5x is NOT windows-7 compatible and never will be supported by Asus for win-7.


The realization smacked me in the face like a brick.


I immediately set my old Windows-xp drive as my boot drive (When I upgraded to win-7 I bought a new HD for the install) and reloaded the drivers for my new videocard.


Dishonored runs at full graphics without a hitch!

Fallout3: New Vegas runs at full graphics without a hitch!

Fallout 3 runs at full graphics without a hitch!

Oblivin runs like...Man, I don't even recognize this game anymore because it looks so frickin awesome and doesn't crash every 5 minutes!


I actually got to game for a good 3 hours last night after loading all the latest software I use into my win-xp drive. It was phenomenal!


I will load up Skyrim tonight since I can't run that game from the win-7 drive on xp for some reason. All the other games worked but Skyrim has it's claws firmly in the Win-7 install so I'll have to install the main bits and copy everything else over to the XP drive...mods and all.


I can't wait!!! :D


I feel like an idiot because I upgraded to win-7 when it came out years ago and have been suffering like a nut because I have all the hardware to run the games but they kept on crashing for an unexplained reason. Well, now I know why.


i'm still going to build a new pc in the spring, but I may just stick with windows-xp for a while...lol.


Maybe go XP-64...lol.



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Trust me when I say that you really should bump up to Win7 64bit when you build that new computer. Just make certain that all the parts you buy "certified" to be able to run Win7. This should not be an issue if you buy new parts, as most of the stuff currently on the market will support it.


Glad you are working now and happy gaming to you!


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