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S.O. Bunker Vendors with No Inventory

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In some new games this happens, and in some it doesn't; and I never know which it will be until my toon gets out of the starting area and around to visiting the store.


The Ghost Armor and Mantis Armor vendors will frequently possess no caps and stock no inventory, and never get any in. This isn't because the files don't exist, because the sellers wear the stuff, and samples exist in the trunk in Doc Mitchell's place. Moreover, there's a ZAZ NPC in Westside wearing a Mantis suit, which also shows up. Finally, I've played the game, able to buy the items from the vendors, at seemingly random intervals.


When I find myself in one of the games in which the vendors just show up as vagrants, my only option has been to get along merely with what comes out of the trunk, and, perhaps, steal the suit from the NPC in Westside. Since I'm more into the appearance of items than their function, and since the items whose appearance I most like are ones that can only be purchased, I tend to just skip the whole thing in games such as the current one in which I'm playing. The same went for the previous game, and the game immediately preceding that game's predecessor. But, in the game in between those two, I was able to add some pretty cool-looking outfits into the mix. I have probably been able to buy from those vendors in about 3/8 of my new games.


Clean saves and reinstalls don't fix the problem. Neither does kill/resurrecting the vendors.


I assume that there must be a solution other than repeatedly starting new games until I get one in which the vendors show up with some stock. Could anyone please tell me what that could be?

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