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Miscarriage Bug?


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So I wound up getting my fem-character preggers by something (I think a ghoul, based on the inventory pregnancy item(s)), and while I was running along I got a message in the upper-left corner informing me of a miscarriage.


After that, it tells gives me some message about a an affect been added or something. That's where the bug seems to be happening. The game never stops adding that affect. The noticed just keep appearing and reappearing in the upper-left corner non-stop.


I'm not sure which mod is the cause for this (the regular sexout pregnancy mod, the breeder mod or something else), and I can't specifically test it I don't think because it seems to fix itself upon reloading. I was just wondering if anyone else was having this problem or if there's a way to fix it without having to quit out of the game and reload.

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Yeah, it's an effect bugg, it just happens randomly, only reloading fixes it


I have the following, it runs fine 99% of the time but then decides that no matter how many times it adds the effect that the effect isn't there, even though the effect code is actually running and spitting out debug messages ok, even after a cooldown of 99 scans, it just keeps returning a zero for iMutMisCheck, I save the game, reload it and it's all fixed. It's got me stuffed, I'm going to look at moving it into a token I think is the only way to make it reliable, I'm suspecting there's some sort of limit of too many effects on a single actor..

			Set iMutMisCheck to rZActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP3E0MutationMiscarry
		if iMutMisCheck < 1
			rZActor.AddSpell SexoutP3E0MutationMiscarry
			DebugPrint "Preg3PregF %n: Mut/Miscarry Effect Added PregPerc %3.0f, %2.0f" rZActor fPregStagePerc iMutMisCheck

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