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Peasant roleplay mods?


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I'm a boring old person in a young persons body, and as such, i'm the type of player who likes to make fun things boring.


Or I could just be contrary by nature.


Either way, I like to create characters that simply live in Skyrim (and Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout before them). Dragons, vampires and the ancient dead? Bah, at worst my character will run away from bandits or muggers. If i'm feeling paticularly adventerous, a hunter character may decide to use their bow to defend themselves.


I use basic needs, and other mods to add the element of challenge, and often play these characters as dead-is-dead. This way I am urged by the game/self discipline to avoid trouble.


Skyrim is the best game so far for simply having a charcter live out their life. It used to be just alchemy, hunting or theft. At a push you could play a Conjurer or Healer. Now, you can chop wood, pick crops, fish, be a housewife/househusband and all manner of little pass times.


Still... there isn't quite enough to flesh out a serious long term roleplay. These pass times are all about the coin, characters don't have enough to say, and the cities are small enough that it gets dull inside city walls. I tend to abandon roleplay character after a short time, or use the time they spent as a simple peasant as their 'origins'.


So. I ask if people would be kind enough to share any mods they have found, be it quest, npc, or somesuch, that lends itself to keeping the simple or mundane life chugging along, and tedium at bay. After all, being a peasant in a fantasy world should still be rather intresting. =D


Mods from this very forum already allow an active sex life, the option of prostitusion, and the risk of being victimised. It willbe interesting what else can be added.

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This might be a good start but no where near what you'd need. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8429/


It adds more NPCs that say things for better immersing.


I suggested years ago that there should be a mod for oblivion and fallout that adds things like jobs with quest lines that don't involve fighting or require you to be a fighter. I wish skyrim's quests allowed for the option of going through quests without having to fight at all. I guess that wouldn't really work with the "chosen one" story they went with.



Something like living the life of a cook and having it branch out so you end up being a famous chef, small time cook, regular person that can cook, etc etc.


The life of a peasant could have you learning the ropes of the guy in whiterun or something. And it could branch out you you becoming a commoner, a dirty pick pocket, a regular beggar, etc etc


The Bard's College *almost* had it right. But that was more like just a regular short quest line than a real guild quest arc. I wish I could just be a regular person in skyrim rather than the special dragon born. It's why I never talk to the jarl in whiterun, so I never have to see a dragon (they get so annoying after the first 20).



I wonder if there are any MMOs built for people who just want to be normal people in a fantasy or even sci fi setting without ever having to do combat. Being a normal person in a single player game gets pretty normal. At least for me

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Thank you both. Those look interesting.


MMOs? Hm, Salem is an unreleased crafting focused mmo with permadeath to make people rethink fighting. :D


If anyone knows any more mods, please, speak up. :)

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Well, the character I'm currently playing with is exactly that, a common 16 years old Nord peasant girl. With both parents dead from sickness and no relatives to take care of her, she begun wandering from town to town looking for work. But the war made life difficult so she had to steal from time to time. She decided to leave Skyrim searching for better luck to the South. On her way, near the southern Skyrim borders she was caught stealing food by Imperial soldiers and was led to Helgen.


Apart from the obvious eat,drink,sleep/weather mods (I use SkyRealism - Feast and Famine http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22327 and Frostfall - Hypotheria http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11163) I find it very immersive to use:

Gold Weight http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21606 I use the 0.05 option

Shockys Safe Chests http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19098

Vidanis Bag of Holding http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9085



I scaled my character to 0.90 (player.setscale 0.90) because she's 16 year old and not a full woman yet.

I reduced her carrying weight to 60 from default 300 (player.forceAV CarryWeight 60). I did some calculations based on the steel 1h and 2h swords weight and found that 60 weight units is about 30 pounds or about 15 kgs which is how much I think an untrained/starving 16 years old girl can carry (I might not got that right but I never was a 16 year old girl :P). Remember that this value increases by stamina. A gold coin (Drake) weights 11 grs (for reference a 2 euro coin weights 8,5 grs and I always imagined that the Drake is bigger than the 2 euro coin)

I set the weight bar on character creation to 10% since shes rather skinny from malnutrition.

I set timescale to 12 (set timescale to 12). 8 or 10 was too slow for this character although I have this value to 10 for the rest of my characters.

Frostfall is on hardcore mode.



The rest is the way you play the game. For example I choose not to carry a sword, armor, bow, 150 arrows plus 2-3 armors and weapons to sell because it doesn't seem logical to me. I choose not to fight but run instead, since I never had combat training. I carry an iron dagger but I use it to harvest herbs to sell than fighting wolves. When I got to Whiterun I got a job at the farms gathering potatoes and cabbages. Then moved to Rorikstead, etc. Always walking and running only when something tries to kill me (wolves, bandits). Btw I once killed a wolf leading it to a bear trap. I skinned it and sold its hide to get me a meal.


Now I'm 60 days in game (scaled to 0.91), level 8, in love with Erik from Rorikstead, raped by an orc bandit on my way to the river to take a bath and water, tried to kill myself falling from a cliff because I couldn't stand myself after the rape, but the Divines kept me from dying and I decided to take arms and find my purpose in life, killing bandits when possible. I carry a steel sword, hide shield, fur armor, cloak, tent, food, water and about 70 gold coins and I'm content for now. Life is simple.


Btw what bugged me is the overpriced rewards you get from simple tasks. For instance you get to deliever a bottle of rum to the Solitude castle and the NPC rewards you with 250+ gold coins.I mean, the rum must have cost at least 1000 gold for me to get a 250 gold tip.


Interesting NPCs seems interesting but I haven't tried it yet. DynamicWeight - realistic body weight http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23253 seems intersting too but I haven't tried it yet too.

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