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About a year ago, I found this tiny screenshot of a gorgeous Skyrim follower--SOMEWHERE.




I had no idea what this Skyrim mod was; only that I really REALLY wanted to have a copy for my game. Well, last month, my kid brother told me all about the "dirty" version of the Skyrim Nexus, so came to say howdy.  Long story short; last week, I found out one of your members actually had my mystery screenshot as their signature!


theR1pper, as they are called, dubbed this mod of theirs "Ms. Emily Heavy-Iron". Now, granted Ms. Emily doesn't actually have any iron about her. But damm is she heavy.  She also is apparently rippie's private bitch. I asked the dude--I think it's a dude--to privately share his files of this fine African chocolate. I swore I wouldn't share them with anyone.  He said no.  I begged him then. He said no again.  His excuse was some crap about the comic blog he has painstakingly constructed at a thread here in town. But truth be told, he just didn want my player character sky-boning her.


My player character is a King of sorts, in the land of the Nords, so he's usta gettin what he wants.  That said, if i am going to have a Ms. Heavy-Bevy for him to levy, I had better create a version of her from rippie's handy screenshots.


Good thing my baby bro and i recently learned to mod using the student version of Max. In just a few hours on and off the past days, I have managed to create a nice rendition of rippie's ho just dandy.  Personally, I think she looks kinda better than the original--my version appears so much more Africa in her eyes--really the only thing about rippie's I didn't like. The only bad thing about mine is possibly the body around the boobs. I really should have raised the poly-count more there because the curves can be a biiiiit blocky on UHD screens. If you run from 1920x1080 though, she's as smooth as a prom queen's thighs.


The other big difference between my Ms. Heavy-Iron and rippie's is mine is free to download, install, play with, sky-bone, intro to your mom, whatever.



I really hope no one thinks I have ripped off Rippie's private stuff. I mean he never gave me or anyone I know of his files. I also looked up rules about copyrights and shit. It says what I have created is "legally considered a "parody" of the original content in question". That means my version only works to promote rippie's girl to the public--as well as that comic blog he works on in his free time.


Here's the link to his blog for good measure:


And here are some screens of my Ms. Heavy Handfu--Iron in-game. She is NOT for SE, btw. I hate SE with a stick up side it.


myemilyheavyiron2.thumb.jpg.d342e0f5eb1d7f601e5a0ad2af2a2ffd.jpg  ScreenShot277.thumb.jpg.e806292be74511fb9c7ec8c07413a3db.jpg




Credits should go to:

  • the r1pper for his inspiring yet totally off-market comic ho-ro.
  • HeroedeLeyenda for their amazing skin base. I had to rework the entire skin pack so Emily has just the right shade of noir.
  • Some chinese guy I don't recall the name of now who was gracious enough to share his highpoly head/tris and teeth model with my brother.
  • Bethesda for making Skyrim and our digital playground!
  • Apachii for making the Helga hairstyle using to cover Emily's perfect melo--no wait, I should probly say "head" so you don't think I'm talkin about her other "fruit-related" parts.
  • Anyone who supports rippie's blog. I hear it was hard while he made it.


Bye Bye!


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