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[Morrowind] Adriana slave/companion mod


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Gifs (made from fragments of bik movies);











Adult companion mod focused on exploration of the dualistic player's nature. It ranges from softcore to physical and psychological torture.


Adriana is meant to be a plaything. She's (relatively) weak, easy to kill and she does not level with player. I found it stupid when some helpless looking elf girl turns into lethal war-machine just because she had killed a few cliff racers. Adriana has been trained to be a sex slave not a warrior. If you take her with you on adventuring you must look after her or she'll die quickly.


You can find her in Seyda Neen.





-dynamic visualisation of wounds

-visualisation of body fluids (semen, sweat)

-whipping feature

-ability to pimp her to npcs for gold or disposition

-three simple bik movies

-lots of "fade sex" scenes (sound based)

-changable via dialog menu hair style, makeup and body paint

-Strip dance working with any set of clothes

-You can influence her mood easily by your actions

-richly voiced (over 360 sound files)





-Will eat couple of fps

-incompatible with mca and other global animation mods

-shitload of spelling mistakes (I don't give a fuck)

-untested with female characters

-not compatible with slave warrior jessica mod

-changes walk/run animations of all females -backup suggested

-changes bb textures of altmer race (females) -backup suggested






-Bloodmoon (may work without this one - not tested)

-both aleanne clothing mods (included)

-better bodies 2.2








In case of encountering any severe bugs they can be reported here.

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  • 1 month later...

Great mod! A few questions!



"-ability to pimp her to npcs for gold or disposition"

How do you do this? I can't seem to find the option.



Also, do you plan to add more of those bik files? More positions would be great! Maybe one day you can replace all the fade-out scenes with them!



I know this must have been hard work, so great job and keep it up!

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"-ability to pimp her to npcs for gold or disposition"

How do you do this? I can't seem to find the option.


First make her fallow you' date=' then search for "offer your slave" topic in male npc dialog menu box. Nobles and etc. should be able to pay more than lower class.



Sex scene are just based on sounds? I just have black screen during act and sounds, no scenes like the .bik movies included in Adriana_slave_V.1.22\Data files\video

I play on french version.


All -except three- scenes are fade/sound based. All three are in special request dialog.

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  • 2 months later...

Hm, strange, may be some setting as to land maybe ?
I still cant with the very same message :



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That said, 1gagatek
propose to host your mods : http://enmesharra.anbrus.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=25775#25775
(And say Hello btw)
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