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Attempting to identify the face textures used in this SS!

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I know this is one hell of a long shot, but I am at my wits end. x.x I've been trying unsuccessfully to figure out what face textures I used to use with CBBE, even going through my entire download history on Nexus. However, none of the many that were in the list seem "right".


So this is my last-ditch effort; Does anyone recognize the face texture used in this screenshot?



Please ignore everything else there. :x It's the only screenshot I have that shows the facial details!


I am pretty certain that it is not the base CBBE face texture, unless maybe I had a different mod to improve the makeup and eyebrows. It is possible that its actually a combination of another face texture improvement mod -and- a second mod to alter the cosmetics.


Edit: I believe I have found my texture! The "Pretty Faces" mod over on the nexus seems to have the right look... but not entirely. I think I was running with a mod that changed just the cosmetics, too. But at least I have my base now. :3

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The lips are very reminiscent of Bella's Better Females - my guess is that it's a combination of textures (perhaps Bella's and Pretty Faces, which you found), but none spring right to mind.


I'm afraid I'm not certain on the eyes! I believe I've seen them before, but I've tried so many eye mods over the years that I couldn't say which one it might have been.

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Sorry, no help here. I have the same problem though. I use quite a few face mods some that at least partially overwrite other mods, so I have had to number them in case I have to reload. Hopefully I will get the same results.


See here after a couple of tweaks.


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If I ever figure this out, I am going to make a list of all of the mods that I need in case I ever uninstall. xD


I think I might've been mistaken about the Pretty Faces mod. After installing it in my current game, it ended up with a pretty severe neck-seam that's visible on every character I've come across. I took a look at Bella's Better Females, too -- it was in my download history on the nexus, but the makeup on my screenshot looks a lot more... 'subtle' than what I see in her screenshots. Still, it's worth a try; I'll install it now and see what it looks like in-game!


Edit: Well, that wasn't it. Even with the "less makeup" and "no makeup" versions, it looked out of sync with the CBBE body texture. :c


I'm going to see if I can find a tool that works to remove the neck-seam. I half-remember using something like that, but I don't know if it was in Skyrim or another game.


Edit 2: Okay so, I figure that I -probably- used the Pretty Faces mod and the CBBE body texture, but used Caliente's TexBlend tool to fix the neck seam. Unfortunately, there is no Skyrim Special Edition compatible version of the TexBlend tool. T-T


Edit 3: Well, its not exactly what I had before but the Fair Skin Complexion mod over on the Nexus is quite nice! It doesn't look too "glamazon" for my taste, so I shall keep it. Here is what my new Nord girl looks like with that one... Not bad at all! :3




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