About This File
This is the complete original SOS light version converted to Skyrim SE
All features of the original mod are functioning including the animations, body shape and genital options, texture options, all selectable through the fomod installer.
Also included an optional patch for the invisible feet/leg bug with certain vanilla outfits
I recommend installing the xpms skeleton(tested with this installed)and amorous adventures + flower girls and the
provided patches to fully use the animations
CREDITS: All credit for the mod goes to the original authors Vector Plexus, Smurf, and b3lisario
PERMISSIONS: Per original author request DO NOT POST THIS MOD OR ANY OF ITS ASSETS ANY WHERE BUT HERE(lovers lab) and credit the original authors (not yelling just making sure that portion stands out) Enjoy
What's New in Version 1.4
- Removed invisible leg fix, was not working, and breaking the female model