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About This File

A simple, personal mod I made and have decided to share. It changes Christianity to be more lewd-friendly right off the bat. So you don't need to make your own custom lustful religion and go through spreading it. This is my first attempt at modding CK3 so it is basic. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn more and expand on the mod but otherwise, it's functional atm.


Inspired by GenericLogin's Christianity mod for CK2, a personal favorite of mine.


Unnecessary Lore


In this timeline, the Romans were less orgy-happy and a lot more strict about gender roles and purity. Sex was seen as something that made men soft and distracted soldiers, thus it was bad. When Jesus came around, he preached an openness of lust as something to be praised. To be lustful you see was to be charitable, kind, and humble (because you were giving everything to others, including your body). Instead of a Virgin Mary, there is the Prurient Mary (prurient meaning lewd or lavacious) and the story goes that she was a street whore who could not give birth despite wanting a child. She received a divine message that should she lay with a thousand men in a single night, she would be granted a miracle. So she did exactly that and behold, she was with a child who would become Jesus.


Is this theologically sound? Probably not. Is this blasphemous? Probably yes. This is just something I thought up of for the weirdos like me who enjoy a little more background on stuff. Plus if you roleplay in your games, this might help get in that head space. This is all based on something I heard of early Christians being disgusted by Roman hedonism and orgies, thus putting chastity and temperance in their beliefs as virtues. This concept just flips it on its head. If I ever come up with more lore I'll throw it in here.



  • Swaps "Monaticism" for "Carnal Exaltation" for Catholics
  • Female Nuns are now called Whores
  • All Christians now have:
    • Lustful as a Virtue and Chaste as a Sin
    • Equal Gender Law
    • Unrestricted Consanguinity
    • Homosexuality Accepted
    • Male and Female Adultery Accepted (Still monogamous marriage tho)
    • Deviancy Accepted
    • Clerical Gender Either


* Be aware that because of changes in gender laws, the heirs of some titles have been changed from sons to daughters or even sisters



Should be compatible with everything save for total conversions but I haven't tested it too extensively. But by the nature of how lightweight it is, it shouldn't be too bad.

Carnalitas - Dei will make the Carnal Exaltation tenet redundant but otherwise, it works.

Made for CK3 patch 1.11.4 but should be forward compatible with anything that doesn't change the Christian faith or the localization


Possible Future Ideas:

  • Add new flavor text/localization
  • Add a new Holy Order w/ custom CoA
  • Touch on the other Christian Faiths
  • Maybe give a similar pass to other faiths?
  • Look into how to make mods compatible with one another so I can have Whore traits be virtuous


Feedback and suggestions are welcomed! Let me know if you find any bugs or major incompatibilities as well.

Edited by jjnoc5

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