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Misc BnP 2.0 Futa Texture Blends 1.0.0

3 Screenshots

About This File

A couple of Futa texture blends I made for my own use that I figured others might want.

Currently, I'm using the Frostnip diffuse option with blush, so the blends are for that diffuse only at the moment. I may blend other options if I feel like experimenting some more.


Obviously you'll need the corresponding SOS Addons to use with these:



I recommend installing using a mod manager - ensure these textures overwrite the existing textures from the respective mods.

I've not tested these with varying skin colours and ENB setups so there might be some slight seams with specific setups but I've been using Silent Horizons 2 with a pale character recently and there aren't visible seams as far as I could tell.

If you're wondering how I made these, I used the Blender projects for the respective addons here and here. For the Horse Addon, I used the Paint.NET template from here.

What's New in Version 1.0.0


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