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Claim vehicles 2024-01-15

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About This File


Around the mid-2000s, crime in Night City had developed to near unmanageable levels. 
A series of city wide ordinances were issued to crack down on the problem.
Among them, the Legal Appropriation and Impound ordinance of 2055 made it legal for Law Enforcement officers to appropriate on the spot (claim) any vehicle suspected to have been linked to a crime. Along with other ordinances turning mere civil offences into criminal activity, the Claims ordinance allowed the NCPD to commandeer any vehicle they felt like at any given time.
The N.C.L.A.I.M.S system (Night City Legal Appropriation and Impound Management System) simplifies the process by transferring the unique ID of the vehicle to a growing fleet managed by the NCPD and allowing officers to call for a vehicle of a certain type when and where they need them.

As a side effect of getting access to the NCPD database, V can now tap into N.C.L.A.I.M.S to record stolen vehicles and summon them (or a close match) when needed.


The mod is now aware of most in-game vehicles and is no longer limited to player owned vehicles only.
That means about 540 vehicles are now recognized  as potential targets for adding to your garage on top of the vehicles you can get from quest or purchase.


  • Stealing a vehicle through force, engineering or technical skills will enable the matching model in the player's owned vehicles and make that model available from the player's garage
  • The mod is disabled until V receives Victor's enhancements 
  • In addition to adding a claimed vehicle to the player's garage, the mod also alters the model you claimed to reduce the chances it will de-spawn. It is not perfect but it seems to work well enough to be playable.
  • Once in your vehicle garage menu, you can use the LEFT Arrow to remove a vehicle from your list. You will have to find and steal them again (or buy them) to add them back to the list.
  • CET is not required, but if you do have it, you can use the console to check on the Claim process and see why it didn't work.

Why do this? Simply to make vehicles accessible much earlier than they were intended and to unlock vehicles non originally available to the player.

For example, you have to complete ALL of Dakota's jobs to get the Macknaw Saguaro as a reward... or, with this mod, you have to find the one model sitting pretty in an empty camp north of the abandoned airfield and keep it even if you haven't done anything for Dakota yet.

How it works

You need two things to enable the mod:

1- You need to complete the first visit with Viktor.
2- You need to acquire the 'Car Hacker' perk (under Intelligence)

Assuming the vehicle you are trying to get is recognized by the mod, you will get to add the vehicle to your garage if:

  • You hijack the vehicle by force while the drive is on board (100% chance of success)
  • or You break into a locked car using your Engineering skills (100% chance of success)
  • or You use the Remote Control Quick Hack by scanning the vehicle (100% chance of success)

Technical, Intelligence and Cool tracks each have a low, medium and high perk that gives you a small, medium and high chance of keeping a vehicle as you leave it (this is for vehicles that are on the streets and unlocked).

Low perks - 20% chance of successful claim by default
- Technical - Gearhead 
- Intelligence - Carhacker 
- Cool - Road Warrior 

Medium perks - 50% chance of successful claim by default
- Technical - Driver Update 
- Intelligence - System Overwhelm
- Cool - Sleight of Hand 

High perks - 100% chance of successful claim by default
- Technical - Edgerunner 
- Intelligence - Smart Synergy 
- Cool - Style Over Substance 

The percent chances of success if you are using your perks can be edited in the script itself. Look under the reset() function.
Hijacking by force or breaking into a locked car do not require a perk to be activated.

The perks are additive. You can increase your chances by enabling more than one perk.

If you want to pick and chose which vehicles you want to allow for stealing, you can edit or simply remove any of the files under the 'r6/Tweaks/Claimvehicles' folder.

If you don't want to use perks (except for Car Hacker which is still needed) all you have to do is set the Chance of claim on Exit to a value other than 0.

Removing vehicles from the Vehicle Manager list (Garage)

As of version 2023-11-03, you can remove a vehicle from your list by using the Emergency Brakes Quick Hack.

The pre-2.0 version of the mod allowed you to remove a vehicle rom the menu using the LEFT key. 
That is not not working anymore as of 2.0.2.
I am looking into a fix but in the meantime, the Quick Hack will have to do.

I highly recommend using the Virtual Car Dealer  mod to better manage your personal fleet.
Just make sure to install at least one of the vehicle shops listed under the requirements, like the Vehicle Pack - Basic shop.
That will give you access to the Sell button (which allows you to sell any vehicle you own).

Known issues

Some vehicles will have to be unlocked using the console if you want to access them. 

If you use AMM or CET to unlock a vehicle that the player cannot interact with, the vehicle will be saved to your garage but it will come back with locked doors when you summon it. I am looking for solutions to that issue.

Summoning a vehicle will not bring you the exact vehicle you claimed. The mod currently unlocks known player vehicles in the same way as the Sell Stolen Cars mod. If you already have vehicles in your garage, this mod will detect you already own them and will not add variants to your list

For now, if you want to use a specific color or variant for your car, I highly recommend you use a mod like Vehicle Customizer (stolen vehicles edition) to pick the model you want.

  • Some variants of vehicles are not yet supported. The mod looks for known model names of vehicles to find a match in the pre-set list of vehicles the player can buy or own. If you find a vehicle that was not recognized, please post a screenshot of a HUD scan for that vehicle in the Posts section.
  • There could be localization issues. I am going by the list of vehicle names in English. I don't know if these names change if the game is played in a different language
  • In my tests, the garage list scrolls and flickers up and down when I bring it up after claiming a vehicle. Using the arrow keys or mouse-wheel seems to stop the scrolling. I have no idea what is causing this.

Tested and compatible with:
- Vehicle Summon Tweaks "Favorites" 

This mod is currently NOT compatible with:
- Let There Be Flight and Vehicle Combat mod (both mods change the same part of the source code).


  • The mod requires RedScript, TweakXL and ArchiveXL
  • Mod Settings is supported but not required (until that mod is converted to version 2.0 of the game, you can edit options in the Config.reds file).
  • Simply follow the folder structure and drop the ClaimVehicle folder under 'r6/scripts' in your game folder

For redscript mod developers


:: Replaced methods
@replaceMethod(VehiclesManagerDataHelper) public final static func GetVehicles(player: ref<GameObject>) -> array<ref<IScriptable>> 
@replaceMethod(DriveEvents) public final func OnExit(stateContext: ref<StateContext>, scriptInterface: ref<StateGameScriptInterface>) -> Void 
@replaceMethod(VehicleComponent) private final func StealVehicle(opt slotID: MountingSlotId) -> Void 

:: Added methods which can cause incompatibilities
@addMethod(PlayerPuppet) private final func InitClaimVehicleSystem() -> Void 

:: Added fields
@addField(PlayerPuppet) public let m_claimedVehicleTracking: ref<ClaimedVehicleTracking>;

:: New classes
public class ClaimedVehicleTracking


Edited by DeepBlueFrog

What's New in Version 2023-01-08   See changelog


- Enabled removal of vehicles from list using the Left Arrow key

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