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About This File

Sanguine's Books of Lust


Lore Friendly(ish)Background


There is talk at Riverwood of an intense adventurer in search of a rare book he claims to have power unlike any other but for some reason he refused to give any details about the name or what it looks like, instead he interrogated everyone as if they were hiding it. When he heard that Lucan's store the Riverwood Trader was robbed he strong armed him about what was stolen but didn't get the answer he wanted leading him to go back to the inn to grab his gear and go after them thinking that the bandits must of taken it. In the rush out the door he had left his journal behind at the table he ate his last meal before setting off. No one dares touch it or even acknowledge the man's existence in fear of him coming back without the rare book he seeks.



  • Custom books with unique textures
  • Small quest (for now) to locate the books of lust -BETA
  • Passive Buffs from each book for the player -BETA (needs balance feedback)
  • 47 pages of adult themed images - (might tie into other LL mods if possible)


About the Concept


As a person who likes to find and collect unique items in any game I play I came up with the idea to make a mod that lets me do just that (sad thing is I know where the books are) in hopes that similar people will want the same thing but with a LL type of spin to it. The books are being worked on and more is planned (see bottom) down the line of this mod's conception with each update released. All things are being weighed when it comes down to the next update however, I need to do lots of trial and error to get my results so any feedback is great.




More Content for each book or maybe a sneak peak at new features!?

Join me at Patreon for more details and exclusive updates.

Also taking requests there as well for those looking for personally made adventures.

Patron Version = 60+ pages and counting and much more...



  • What does this mod do?

A: Adds Sanguine's collection to the world where the player can start a quest to find them and gain powers by solving riddles (and whatever else I add) kinda like a treasure hunt made by a daedric lord.

  • How do I start the quest?

A: There is a journal on a table at the Sleeping Giant Inn if you didn't read the background to this mod's story (shameful display) silly goose.

  • Are there supposed to be quest markers?

A: Nope.

  • Can you put them?

A: Nope. Oblivion style riddles aren't hard just read closely.

  • Can I make a patch?

A: Send me a PM and we can discuss it. Depends really.

  • Can I translate this mod?

A: Credit and Link this mod to it. Do the right thing and I'm cool with it.

  • LE version?

A: I don't play LE but if you do and you want to do it then the answer above covers this answer too.



This mod is still in the early stages of conception as I have been slowly making sure certain things are working as intended and a lot of this process for me has been trial and error as I am not a expert modder but I know my way around the CK to a degree. That said there are bugs to be expected and certain unbalanced things as new abilities and other people's LO's are different than mine and the guy next to him so feedback is great.


All ideas and suggestions are welcomed but may not be taken any further as I do have a set plan on where this mod goes down its conception but if I like it then consider it done but I don't like making too big of promises without knowing I can do it for sure. Thank you for the time of day and I hope you enjoy the mod. Tell me what's your favorite book or page and I hope to hear from you in the comments if you have any problems.


As a side note, certain lighting, weather, and ENB's can have an affect on how the book and pages look. Try indoors or use "T" to (wait) change the time of day to see if that makes it any better.




  • Fix certain pages brightness
  • Fix spines on books
  • Sanguine's Books of Lust Vol.4 - Conjuring Cream
  • Vol.5
  • Quest to find the books of lust
  • Daedric Realm of Sanguine



.NET Script Framework is an amazing tool that helps you understand why the game did what a Bethesda game does when you try to touch it in a way it doesn't want to be touched (at all) with that information being said, if you experience a CTD and suspect that it has something to do with this mod well then maybe...but maybe not. Best way to figure it out is to use that tool and send me your crashlog (should be in overwrite if you use MO and you should be) and from there I can tell you what happened exactly then maybe fix it. 


If you don't use that tool then I need screenshots, details, what were you doing, what mods you were using, and etc. to help narrow down the problem. I can't do much with "mod broken plz fix lolz" feel free to send me a PM with the above listed details or post here idc as long as you are making an effort to help me better help you I'll take it.

Edited by Sanguine Lust
Adding new plans and reworking page to match support page.

What's New in Version 1.2


Pictures should now all have the paper like texture across all books and should of fixed certain issues some players may have had in the past. Certain meshes and textures have been updated to be more consistent but more work is needed to be done until I can properly sort out the small bugs for now.

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