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Waterfalls, mountains and trees (oh my!)



blog-0204314001415377501.pngI was hunting around for resources and would you believe... there isn't one single banyan tree for Skyrim... at all? I had a sad for a while then went perusing through the meshes I had found, and the ones that were readily available and made myself a damn banyan tree :D It's not perfect, but who is? And that's what gives her character! The mother tree is the center of the entire island world and responsible for it's existence.


I vainly tried playing with ENB settings again last night, and was proven a dummy because my dinosaur can't even run a stripped down version. Though I did manage to get a really pretty picture despite having 3fps haha!



So this set, as ugly and jagged as they may be... (forgot that I had dynavision cranked up on the ones yesterday so I didn't realize they were all blurry until the bf pointed it out to me -.- so today there is no pretty. brain ish tired...) ...


Water, water water!!! I love rivers and streams and all the stuff that goes with them. But being unable to stretch meshes along a single axis is proving to be a TOTAL pain in the ass. Who thought THAT was a good idea? O.o


I figured filling out key areas with brush and goodies would look awesome even for those that have tons and tons of grass. (It'll just make it harder to find the good stuff! *muahaha* Think so? I keep checking but you just never know with all the different grass modifiers out there. *sigh*


I really loved the way it turned out beneath the willow tree. I just might have a couple more dipping their branches into the shallows on a couple of the other islands before I start building upwards onto the floating rocks. And the banyan tree isn't looking too shabby either. Not sure if I'm going to leave the vines as they are, without collision or if I should exchange them for the ones with collision... dunno.


And mountains galore... I was looking around in the mod and I noticed the cell just cuts off if you don't have anything going at the edges. That might be a problem. Though I think I can trick the eye with some atolls along the edges of the area. Maybe. I plan on hiding little things here and there so explorers get the treat of finding items. Of course it's not going to be anything special, at least not for the initial release but hopefully as I learn it'll become special.


I've been tempted to upload the files as I go, let people into the progress... I dunno though. Seeing screenshots is one thing, letting folks actually wander around as I fumble through this learning process is a terrifying thought! And rejection of something dear to my heart would really suck >.<


'Tis enough rambling from me now.


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