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Things and other things about things that deal with things.



So.... a blog entry about my actual MODS and updates about them and not me on a late night drinking binge trash talking things I don't like?! Who woulda thought!


Anyway, as some of you may know I've taken the Summer off from modding. Not really because I wanted to, but I didn't have much choice when the Summer first started. Things are a LOT better now, my wife getting laid off ended up hurting us for a little while, but life can be sneaky sometimes, and now she has not only found a new job, but one that pays better AND she is part of a GOOD Union! Holy crap balls! Sad that she has to work 1pm to 12am . . . so once school starts again she won't see our kids at all except on weekends :( I'm bummed out by this, but there is not much we can do about it, and you have to take the good with the bad....


ARG, derailed there, anyway, so I started working a little here and there when I can on the mods again, but I have SO much more then you guys realize going on in terms of mods I am making / working on / need to update / want to release. Let's just take these OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD :


Celestials V8


WereWolf OverHaul ( update that fixes some things )

VampireLord Overhaul ( update that fixes some things )

VampireLord Overhaul v3 ( different then the above one, that one is just an update )


My Look replacer for : EVERY Vanilla Female, as well as Vilja, Soojie, Serana, and Ceriwden, and MANY of them Vanilla MEN being changed to FEMALE..... ( god this one is a huge job ).


Those are just the ones off the top of my head. As I said, I always have something I'm working on, and right now I still have a HUGE amount on my plate that I would LOVE to share with everyone.




So yeah, if I ask you guys, I'm of course going to get " CELESTIALS! ALL THINGS CELESTIALS! " lol, but for that I now need my wife, she has taken over half of the workload from me, and she also said she was taking the summer off, and with her new job..... well let's say, it WILL get worked on ( I PROMISE ) but it's not going to be as updated as fast as it used to.


The next thing you guys would say is " RELEASE THAT MOD YOU ARE MAKING I SEE IN YOUR VIDEOS THAT CHANGES ALL THE FEMALES LOOKS AND CHANGES MEN INTO FEMALES!!! "..... Actually, this one is "close" to being done, but there are NPC faces here and there I just forgot to export the data for, or that exported incorrectly ( results in mismatched head and body texture ).... so I just need to keep playing through the game and finding all the ones I missed / fucked up on. The other thing is, even when it IS done, OMG packing this mod will be SOOOO time consuming. You guys may not know it, but just getting everything structured and packaged for sharing as a mod takes a good amount of time!


My added companions looks also count toward the above for the most part ( Vilja, Serana, etc ).


So ya, that leaves patching my old works, releasing a new version of vampirelords, and my enb.


Gods I have no clue where to start.....


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Whatever's the least amount of work first. Closing as many things on that to-do list, leaving the big bits to last -- less stuff to think about once you begin working on the more time consuming projects.

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Whatever's the least amount of work first. Closing as many things on that to-do list, leaving the big bits to last -- less stuff to think about once you begin working on the more time consuming projects.


I would say my ENB is the closest thing to being ready to release. It actually IS ready to be released, then updated as needed. I just have no idea where to put it. I can make it an LL exclusive like almost all my other mods, but I have no idea where to put it, or how many people would see it. I could stick it on Nexus, but even heavily modified, the ENB DOES draw off some assets from other mod makers. Not to say I just left them " as is ", if I do that, I always tell people they have to Download that OTHER mod first to make what I did work, kinda like my making Celestials have wings and fly REQUIRE p1Flying, no most are just changed aspects of those files, we learn from the shoulders of giants and all that. Thing about nexus STAFF is though, they don't give two shits, and if the mod author you even LINKED to doesn't say " you can use this but link to me " in permissions, YOU'RE FUCKED. So I'm always worried about it. ESPECIALLY since a LOT of these mod authors are just not around anymore, and so I can ASK for permission, but never get it since I will never get an answer. BTW it is simply my DOF setting included for Screen Shots I worry about, the DOF I include for normal 3RD PERSON PLAY was made by me.....


Ya, what a cluster fuck of ass pain.

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It does not conflict putting the mod in both websites (as far as I know), so you can put it on LL initially until you figure out if you want, or can have NM to host it as well.

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