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We like to be kinky - 109/ My gorgeous witch Ivy



Eva is working and Ivy is about to go to pick up Eva at the Hotel. I feel a urge to write about my gorgeous witches and our relationship. It doesn’t let me go until I write my thoughts in my diary.



It is very interesting how some things are great, amazing and wonderful to some people and they are stupid, bad and boring to the others. That’s what makes each of us unique individuals. My mom loves to watch dramas, soap operas and true story movies and series which my father considered as stupid, waste of the time and meaningless. In the same time, he loved to watch horror movies, SF and thrillers. They always “argued” about their tastes. Saying no more about this matter I would just take the example of us, the members of the LL community. Such a wide specter of likes and dislikes in sex, mods and game playing that unfortunately leads many times into unnecessary arguing and verbal insults. To bad. That's the dark side of the human nature; "Fuck all who is different and doesn't think and feel like me". Hence at some point we all are "aggressors" on other people's minds, moral, attitude and all other things they we don't like in them. But I'm stopping to crap now..... I already said too much.


Same happened to me and my witches. They love their “The bet” game, but I hate it. I saw it very dangerous and unpleasant, I saw them as irresponsible and wild, but they loved the feeling of expecting unknown and unexpected things. Most of the time we argued about it and we said many bad words to each other. I said to them. But we never thought of breaking up our relationship. We rather made the compromise. They will ask me for permission and approval if they want to play. It worked at the beginning and when they started to play it again after some time (the last play that involved me was out of our compromise) it damaged our relationship. The girls put me in very uncomfortable situation. They forgot that I’m not like them and I was mad at them. After the last arguing, they decided to put their game on hold for unknown period of time. I was happy to hear it. I know how much that game means to them since they have been playing it for years and I have no right to take it away from them no matter how stupid, dangerous, foolish and all other names I call it and consider it. Without making compromises and tolerance all relationships will be in danger and ruined and the results are always pain, suffering, anger… just name it. Thank god, all went well after their last play of “The bet” game because we talked and we were willing to do best for other side.


I love them both. Eva and Ivy are my whole world. I can be pissed off at them as hell but I can’t imagine my life without them. Eva was always the one who first started to talk and tried to fix the damage. She’ll do all she can to restore the broken interaction and relationship. She is very like me. Ivy is different. It doesn’t mean she don’t care, but she is not so emotional and sensitive like Eva and me. Although we share many common things we are still very different and learning to cope and to adopt to those differences is very hard sometimes. But we are good learners. We are adopting and changing. We growing fast in some areas, and we are growing slow in others. Our “security key” for the successful relationship is love. Without it, everything will fall apart very fast and irreparable. Love bounds and connects and forgives and hope and go on without returning to the past.
Writing this lines, I’m not trying to be “smart ass” who’s saying: I know all about the love and relationships, because I don’t. I’m still young and I have to learn a lot. I’m simply sharing with you what we learned: love makes things possible and better. It heals the wounds on the heart and makes relationship stronger and better.


While Eva was working from 9.00 to 17.00 (except yesterday), Ivy and I spent a lot of time together after my guitar classes from 10.00 – 12.00. We practiced a lot and had a good time. We both love what we are doing. None of us finished the music school and I know music theory better and more then Ivy thanks to attending my father’s guitar classes for many years. We are both natural talents and it makes our profession more interesting because it involves a lot of improvisations.


Ivy and I went to the “Our café” after the guitar class. We didn’t sit on “Our place” but we sat at the small table for two near the big window that has a view on the threes and the sea in the distance. It’s still very windy in my country and we came by car. While we were waiting for our drinks I asked Ivy to sit in my lap. She smiled and was glad I asked her to do it. She wrapped her hand around my neck and we kissed “love you’d” each other. When the waitress brought us the tea with rum and lemon Ivy said:
- Honey, … amm.. I want to talk to you about Sunday…….
Me: Ivy…... listen....... there’s nothing to talk about…. It happened, we solved the problem and it belongs to the past now……
Ivy: I know; I just want to tell you that I still feel very terrible….
I kissed her and said: You don’t have to feel that way…. I forgave you and…
Ivy interrupted me saying:
- yes, you did, my love….. but I want you to know that I’m not totally careless person.
Me: No, you aren’t, Ivy.
Ivy: You helped me to change a lot…… It hurt me to see you hurt…… I don’t want to cause you any more pain….
(short silence)
Ivy: You know I love you, don’t you?
Me: Yes, I do, Ivy.
(short silence)
Ivy: teach me how to be “smarter” and more sensitive…..
Me: Oh, honeeeey, I can’t teach you that!.... We talked about this already........ It’s the character line….. Some people are more sensitive, like me, some are less, and some aren’t at all…….. But we can all build our characters on better……. Just need to observe and want to learn…..
(short silence)
Ivy: Do you believe me when I say I want to learn?
Me: I do, honey… You already proved that many times.
Ivy smiled and said:
- You noticed?
Me: Of course I did….. Such things can’t go unnoticed….. especially if you know the person well as I know you.
Ivy kissed me and smiled contently. Then her phone rang. It was Barbara. She wanted to meet with her but Ivy said:
- Sorry Barby, I’m with my husband now. Talk to you later.
She hung up and I asked her why didn’t she call tell her to join us in the café. Ivy said:
- Because this…… these moments with you are more important to me than having some who-knows-what-kind-of-conversation with the person who is just passing through my life.


I was surprised to hear such a statement from Ivy. I knew she loves me and she changed on better but this??? Wooow……
Sitting in silence for some time she said afterwards:
- Honey, I need a “dose”. Shall we do it here or shall we go home for quick one?
Me: It’s up to you my love. What do you prefer?
Ivy giggled and said:
- You know I don’t care about the place and that having sex in public turns me on…. But, I don’t want to do anything against your will…… never again……
I was glad to hear it. I said:
- I want to do it right here but I can’t.
Ivy: I know, it’s OK… I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.
Me: It’s not that…..
Ivy: - ???
Me: I want you to cum in my mouth and since we have too much clothes on us it will be almost impossible to fuck your ass and pussy with tongue.
Ivy laughed and deep kissing me she said:
- You devil you….. You know my weakness… All right….Let’s go home… but..… honeeey.....
Me: ...... But what?
Ivy: I need double dose…..
Me: Hahahahaha – all right, the double dose it is…..
We deep kissed and walked to our car embraced.



Recommended Comments

Honey, you missed to mention that Ivy was only merciless when we played "The bet" game. In all other aspects she is very caring person. I wished you wrote more about her good side because she has a lot good qualities. :)

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Eva - I probably did, but I was just putting my thoughts into the text. Agree with you: Ivy has many good qualities and she became very caring person since the day we all start to live together. She is more sensitive, more gentle and more romantic now.

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That's much better. Thank you. I wish she'll join to LL too, but you know she's not for any type of forums. *sigh*

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