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Submit/Defeat revenge animations trampling/stomping/kicking for fems



blog-0883873001397059761.jpgI would love to see some trampling/stomping for the submit/defeat mods. Some revenge for the female players. Usually when I beat the enemies to the ground they just lay there on the floor. It is pretty unsatisfactory to not beat them up some more. Probably any normal person would kick those bastard bandits before continuing their quests. Any animators who might have an interest in creating something like this?


Thank you peeps,




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Emm ok, but rape usually happens after you defeat someone and leave her (usually) at like 5% of hp which means barely alive.

Doesnt actually strike me as a state when she would be in any condition to overpower her violator especially that rape itself inst actually painless and she could find herself robbed of any kind of equipment (by yourself).


So i dont know - first thing that comes to my mind is that rape would trigger Hired Thug like event where your victim comes with some heavy muscled assistance to teach you very hard lesson - if you left her alive that is.


And btw trampling someone in full plate armor would hurt you more than him...

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Thanks guys for your comments! ;)


True, she would have low HP, but it could be pretty much be some type of "resist" move. And well, you usually don't 

(rape) someone in full plate armor. They undress, and besides, she could headstomp him, wearing a helmet or not, it would pretty much be a devastating blow. And I don't only stomp on overlords in full armor, also draugr, vamps, bandits, random thiefs, giants. They don't really wear any armor. Femdom animations would also be lovely yes.




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Well i do would love a resist move in the form of the kick-in-the-balls whenever some bastard tries to get his dirty hands on my heroine xD

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