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The Arcana Novella Chapter 6



blog-0966317001394596645.pngChapter VI: Secora Nirvanis





This is Maurice Jondrelle and the reason he looks so silly is because he just found the right group to accompany him in his pilgrimage to the see the sacred Eldergleam.





He may look to be a simple pilgrim on the outside, but inside he is also a simple alchemist. He considers himself more of a botanist, however. His goal: to understand plants to his fullest extent. He has heard stories about the Eldergleam being the original mother plant of the world. Its pollen seeps into every corner of Tamriel giving birth to the endless habitats of green life. Maurice was never more impatient in his life.







His eagerness knows no limits and nothing shall stop him. He will push through anything in his way.







And by anything he means anything...














They finally arrive safe and sound at the sanctuary, no thanks to Maurice of course. They entered following a narrow winding corridor. After a brief walk, the corridors open up allowing the three to finally get a glimpse of the sanctuary. It is noon as the sun sits high in the middle casting its rays into the naturally formed oculus at the top of the cave. The stood there standing in silence.







The scene was breathtaking. "Alright I need to go collect some ingredients, I'll meet up with you two after I finish." He says walking off into the surrounding foliage. Elra walks off in another direction. "Time to get the sap" she told Inigo. Inigo follows her and they ascend the cliff face.







As she approaches the first large root obstructing her path, she reaches to her side to draw the Nettlebane.







Her mind on the objective, she cuts her way through. The root reacts as it begins to retract on itself like a tentacle making loud snapping sounds as the hard surface begins to curl in on itself.







The sounds can be heard throughout the cave. They were loud and monstrous sounds catching Maurice's attention who was collecting herbs. "Oh no, what does that crazy lady think she's doing!" He says in a annoyed tone. He stuffs the leaves he had grasped in his hands into his pocket and rushes his way up the cliff face.







"STOP! DONT TOUCH THIS TREE!" Maurice shouted. Elra already mid swing did not catch his demand. The blade sliced through the bark and opens a clear path way to the top. "How dare you defile such a sacred sight. Have you no shame?" Maurice is frustrated. "How else shall I save the tree in Whiterun?" Erla responds. "Not by injuring the mother plant for a start!" He snaps back at her. "Look, I have an idea. Just put that blade away and follow me." He ascends the rest of the way up the hill. As the three reach the top the path becomes a clearing. They set down their equipment and rest in front of the Eldergleam.







Maurice folds his arms. "This tree is one of the most sacred things in Tamriel for it is the mother tree that bestowed Nirn with all plant life. Every tree, every root, every fungi, comes from this single tree, and that's my reason of being here. I'm a botanist and I believe that the secrets that lie in the Eldergleam lie in all plant life. However, the stories don't stop there for this tree also bestowed something to humans. It's a leaf of a plant called Secora Nirvanis. It's been told to allow the user to walk the planes of Aetherius. I shall use it to talk to the tree to find you another way." Maurice seems confident it'll work. "Inigo shall join you." Inigo says wanting in on the action. Elra was never one to hesitate. "Me too." Maurice seems surprised. "I'll let you know now, it's not something to be taken lightly. It's very potent, but I admire your courage." He pulls out some of the leaves he collected earlier and begins to brew some tea. After ten minutes he finishes and pours them into 3 different cups.







With each person getting a cup, Maurice warns them one last time. "Are you sure you want to spirit walk?" He asks them. "I am a recovering Skooma addict. Do you think I'm afraid of this?" Inigo says. "You've been warned. Cheers!" Inigo and Elra respond to Maurice's toast "Cheers!" They drink the brew. The taste was foul which made all of them want to gag. They all force it down and thus begin their wait to ascension.







Fifteen minutes of silence has passed. Elra begins to feel a bit lighter and relaxed. She rubs her face- eyes closed. When she opens her eyes her visuals were not the same as before.







"Wha..?" Elra is beginning to slip out of her comfort zone as reality decomposes around her. She tried to say something else trying to gain some control in this new state. All that came out of her lips were the echoes of what she just said. "Wha..?" She couldn't speak so she looks at the others to assess her situation.







She looks at Inigo. "Wh- -s i- my frie- ? Ar- -kay?" Inigo was trying to talk to her but her hearing was also distorted. Elra's mind begins to wander about and catches Maurice.







Maurice was sitting there as if he was talking to the tree. Elra tries to tune into his dialogue.







He was speaking in an unfamiliar language unknown to Elra. Her visuals begin to intensify as she chooses to find an isolated spot to lay down.







As she walks, Elra begins to feel the energy draining from her legs. Her legs give in as she falls on her hands and knees.







The air begins to thin as Elra breathing gets heavier. Suddenly the presence of another enters her senses as the visuals begin to mellow.







Elra props herself on her knees attempting to conjure words. Still nothing. The figure begins to speak. The language was the same as Maurice's but this time Elra understood everything. Her understanding being directly scribed into her thoughts.







The figure spoke in riddles revealing the truth in the chaos that lies within Elra's mind. "These realms are eternally bounded. The heavens may shine its light over the human plane, but will never fully saturate the world for in the recesses lie the darkness waiting to creep over anything the radiance overlooks. Darkness once again has begun to reclaim the world it once held. Even the divines cannot control the converging fates that exists in the present, but as the time approaches, we must not stand idle when the world calls for the darkness."







The figure approaches Elra as she tries to move but is unable to do so. "Elraniel, much more lies on your shoulders than you actually know. The gods deem you worthy so a gift I shall bestow upon you. It is time you no longer run away and turn to face the approaching abyss, for if hesitant, you will be the first to be claimed by it." The figure was direct and Elra knew what she was talking about.







As she gets closer Elra's depiction of the world became more vivid. Finally the figure stands tower over Elra. She leans over bestowing Elra with an object. Elra tried to see what it was but her eyes were fixed straight. She could see the figure clearly for the first time. "Do not worry, for you will know what it is, and what to do with it when you see it." The figure reassures Elra. The figure turns and walks towards the cave walls.







As she nears the rocky surface, the walls begin to separate expanding the path.







The wall close behind her as she disappears from view. The visuals begin to intensify once again. Like a receding wave it pulls Elra away. She has gone too far and mind calls her back to rationality. From the closing wall sprouts a small bush in a matter of seconds.







Like and observer of the plant's life, she witnesses the bush rapidly growing. With vividness the ground surrounding Elra raises. The platform she was kneeling on begins to ascend. Elra begins to recognize what was unfolding in front of her eyes. It was the life of the Eldergleam from the second it sprouted till the present moment. She can feel the voyage reaching its end as the vivid colors dim.







She sees Inigo's dark figure staring at her. At this moment she feels her mind returning to its rational self.







She sees one last visual before emerging from her submerged conscious state. She was looking at herself. During the voyage she has experienced many scary and vivid visuals. It was interesting, but at the same time filled with chaos and irrationality.







Like a snap Elra instantly awakens to find Inigo sitting next to her. "'Tis about time." He says. "Looks like you got hit pretty hard there my friend. The sun is setting soon so we should head home." "What about the tree?" Elra asks. "Maurice talked to the tree and magically made it sprouted a sapling. Inigo believes he has acquired the ability to arouse plants. Anyway, he left already but he told Inigo to tell you that the sapling will eventually sprout into a new Gildegreen. The old one comes from the older era, this new tree will represent the new."







They collect their equipment and begin to depart. "So how was it?" Elra asked Inigo. "Inigo dreamt of Elsweyr. 'Tis ironic for Inigo for I never set any paw outside of Skyrim, but I saw lush jungles and blue waters. Inigo felt hot, which I'm also not used to. Quite the real feeling. What about you friend?" Elra shares her story. "I was visited by someone. I didn't know who it was, but my instincts told me it was Kynareth. She gave me something, but I didn't get to see what it was."







"Don't worry, Inigo thinks it will find its way to you."





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