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Chapter 01- Job Interview



Our protagonist is called Cassie Tilbury, she is 18 years old and is a capricious, ambitious and snobbish girl.
Since she was a little girl she has had it all, her parents, reputable businessmen in the cosmetics industry, have indulged her every whim, making her a teenager who believes she can do whatever she wants without suffering any consequences...




Even at the end-of-year party she was found in an affectionate position with her Literature teacher... Cassie does whatever it takes to pass, but that caused her parents' embarrassment and a very bad reputation for the company.

Cassey's parents decide to un-educate her and take away all her bank accounts...

Cassey desperately steals some money from her father and escapes to Sol Valey, the city where dreams come true... 
She has a job interview with Roberto Barney a reputed businessman, she doesn't know very well what job it is... but there it is, in front of a big mansion.
WOW, someday I will have one just like it! When I'll be a famous super model- Cassey thinks as she knocks on the door.



The door is opened by a girl with beautiful pink hair and service clothes.

Roberto, she is here," says the girl
Send him in," a very manly voice is heard.

Cassey enters the mansion and in the dining room she meets Roberto, a 40 year old man with a relaxed pose who looks her up and down. ....
He invites her to sit next to him and asks her what she wants.
As Cassey tells him about her dream of being a supermodel, she notices how Roberto keeps staring at her.

I'll be wearing a lot of cleavage," Cassey wonders as she covers herself a bit.




Well well, Cassey, I see you are a young girl with ambition... and I like that. For the moment the position I can offer you is that of a maid and we will see how you move up. .... Do you think so?



Cassey remains thoughtful.... 

Fuck, what a shame, cleaning up? What am I, just some random girl, but it's true that I need the money.

Roberto, who sees her hesitating, also offers her a house that he has near his club so she can start her new life?

Club? Do you need waitresses?" asks Cassey in desperation (anything but being a cleaner!!).

Todo en su debido momento, de momento ya tengo plantilla completa pero si veo que sois eficientes lo tendré en cuenta.
Entonces... ¿quieres empezar mañana? Es simple, como puedes ver la casa está impecable, pero yo soy muy maníaca…
Cassey resopla y asiente.
PERFECTO - Roberto saca una caja detrás de él. Toma, pruébate el uniforme... ¡Seguro que te queda genial!

Cassey va al baño y cuando se da cuenta de qué es el uniforme, se sorprende.

¿Un uniforme porno? Qué", piensa Cassie antes de enojarse, "si él quiere que se vista así, tal vez tenga más posibilidades de conseguir un trabajo.
Después de todo, ella no es nadie en este momento y él es una persona muy importante en la ciudad.

Ella se va con actitud tímida.... y nota como Roberto la sigue con la mirada y cruza las piernas para evitar que ella note la gran erección que tiene.....
Que verga- piensa Cassey mientras se muerde los labios.

Roberto se queda boquiabierto con ella, una chica dulce y tímida que limpia la casa mientras él la mira...




En ese momento escucha que alguien abre la puerta.
Corre, vístete y sal por la puerta de atrás, mañana de 9 a 14, 200 simoleones al día", dice sobresaltado Roberto




Cuando Cassey sale por la puerta trasera, observa cómo una mujer muy elegante y un niño entran a la casa y se abrazan.
Hijo de puta, esta casado y con un hijo.... si todos los hombres son iguales.....

De camino a la casa que le ha regalado investiga en el Iphone sobre Roberto y descubre que es un reputado empresario, tiene empresas de moda y varios clubes en varias ciudades, también parece que está involucrado en el narcotráfico pero no hay pruebas suficientes...
Su esposa Octavia, mayor que él, aparentemente es una mujer rica pero por su marido no se mencionan grandes méritos y tienen un hijo llamado Paolo que tiene 9 años... Se parecen la familia perfecta... pero evidentemente no lo es.



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Recommended Comments

My, my, what an introduction! If Cassie's parents thought that her teacher affair was an embarrassment... well... wait til they see her first day as a maid  :sweat_smile:


I had to use the translator for the second part, looks like you got carried away while writing it haha. Bien hecho, sigan asi!

Edited by Simpossible_xx
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oopps, yes, i confess, i got carried away hahaha glad you like it

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