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Journal Entry 2291.02.02 - Shanna Ficitier - A Face Full of Bukkake



From Scout Randel Jacobs Robert, Field Operative, Brotherhood of Steel - Commonwealth:


Seriously, this petite darling with a French accent says she's from Quebec, north of the Great Lakes Wastelands.  Three years ago, she hitched a ride on a privately operated Vertibird then walked into the Commonwealth just to enlist with the Brotherhood of Steel.   When the Brotherhood arrived nearly three years ago, they set up outposts in this region, one being in Concord itself and the second being at the heavily fortifed bunker in the abandoned satelite station North above Dublin Diner.  When first interviewd, she spoke of the men in the Great Lakes Wasteland and how awful they are, in bed and in social behavior.  Most are aggressive, violent, hostile, and nearly impotent from constant radiation exposure and chemicals in the area.  The inhabitants in the ruins of Wilwuakee and Chicago call them "the Wildmen" as they are unprincipled and opoerate as slavers outside the region.  Some have been changed into mindless beasts with no cognitive faculties, "Trogs" she called them, void of reason or mercy.  The "heavy water" contents from the Great Lakes is the primary suspect as the region's pumping stations and purification centers have been inoperative since the opening day of the Third World War.   She seemed scared and reserved when providing information about the Trogs.  The intake interview on this particular subject did not go very well. 


...then there's Trudy.  She's been using Dublin Diner as a trading post for nearly a decade and uses this location as a male-heavy brothel with three bonified studs in her harem.  Having originated from Little Lamplight and Vault 87, Trudy (who has no last name) is a former raider (who claims to have operated outside the Capital Wasteland) turned shrewed ligitimate businesswomen that has managed to not only thrive and avoid The Institute, but survive North outisde the secure walls of Diamond City.  She counts the regions high inactivity, lack of raider gangs, and pacts she has made with the farmers, travelers, and Minutemen as the key elements of her survival.  She, however, was vague and lacked key details when questioned extensively about this region's merchant network.   Amongst her stable of men, there is Wolfgang who doubles as chem dealer and hired arm.  There is Robert (last name unknown, possibly from Little Lamplight and Vault 87) who works the fields across the road from the trading post and provides foodstuffs and crops for the Dublin Diner.  They have a history that goes back to their childhood.  Finally her son Patrick, an ex-jet addict pimping himself out as he works off a chem debt.  For women in the brothel, she has Gina Ripple working as a prostitute and doubling as a Wolfgang's bodyguard.  Then there is a freckle-face, spectacle-wearing orange tart going by the name Pumpkin as one of the other two female employees.  Trudy has a small cannery behind the Diner and has trained Pumpkin in the preparation and sanitation of canned foodstuffs.  In an agreement with BoS, Shanna was able to loan out canning equipment and two Mr. Handys as field workers and food preps for the Cannery.  Pumpkin seems to have knack with droid repair and programming and would benefit herself and Dublin Diner with a proper education and training. 


In closing, Trudy has Diamond City's doctor come out once per week to purchase medical supplies and examine its prostitutes (both male and female) for sexual transmitted diseases.   Don't call Trudy Madame as she has no business obligations or contracts with any of these prostitutes.  They work for her and she for them in a mutual benefits pack.  It's strickly business.


Shanna is making her mark as an operative and pointman (pointwoman but who cares) in this area and BoS would gain nothing in this region without her attributes, skill set, and input.  After a night with Trudy's son in a sleeping bag, all I can say in Shanna's words, "I savor the taste of Patrick's 12 inch cock and all the cum from his balls.  The more spunk on my face, the more I like it."    What can I say, "If she wants to work as a swallow for the Brotherhood, then by all means sign her up for the BoS!  She's gotta be good for something."  





























Edited by bluepigeon
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