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I have too many characters and too much headcanon lore. I'd love to one day, put all these stories into format, but for now, here's a family tree and also a summary of most of my character lore.


Starting with the family tree itself.




Some relevant lore:

Timeline points of interest:

  • Spoiler
    • Before the Oblivion crisis, Alastor and Amelia have their 2 daughters.
    • At some point, Ethel, the witch, tricks Alastor with hallucinogens and magic, which results in the conception of Dawn, the 3rd sister. Alastor knows nothing of her existence until many years later.
    • Years later, Alastor disappears, which kickstarts Alice's journey, abandoning her magic studies in order to go looking for her father, eventually leading her to becoming champion of Cyrodiil and the next Aspect of Sheogorath
    • She does find her father, who had been kidnapped by Dawn who was on her own by that time. Some rivalry and a story arc later, she ends up in good terms with her new found father and her other 2 sisters.
    • In her travels, Alice meets Elaric, a wandering sorcerer from Alinor, who would eventually become her mentor and only love.
    • From that relationship, Cleo is born, who unfortunately has to grow up without her mother since the events of the Greymarch ended up separating the family. Although her father and her aunt were always there for her.
    • On a branching arc, a mad dwemer scientist mixes a sample of Alice's blood with Fay's, who was another adventurer coming from a distant world. From this, he creates another person in a tube, who would be raised by him as his daughter, Liliana.
    • On current time, the gateways are opening again, and after 200 years, there is a chance the family might finally be reunited again.


Besides that, There are some pictures of most of the specific characters


Amelia, the mother.
An abnegate figure, and an educated woman. As the matriarch of the family, she has kept it together for centuries.



Alastor, the father.
A traveling merchant and businessman. Despite being a good father, his travels keep him away for more time than he wishes. But his heart is torn between his love for adventure and his love for his family.


Elena, the older sister.

From the two sisters, she's the less adventuring. A healer by calling and one of the kindest souls in all of Cyrodiil.


Marcus, the brother-in-law

Married to Elena and father to Amielle, he's an imperial soldier who values the importance of duty and honor. Despite being human, in  family of elvish heritage, he has managed to extend his lifespan thanks to magic.


Ethel, the witch.

A sinister character who tricked Alastor in one of his travels. By using hallucinogens and magic, she made herself pass as Alastor's wife and shared a night of passion with him, resulting in the conception of Dawn, the 3rd sister. She was not the best of motherly figures, but she taught Dawn to be resourceful.


Dawn, the 3rd sister. Her likeness to Alice is only the product of a magical conception. But she grew up believing her father had abandoned her, and learnt street smarts to survive and thrive, even in the filthiest gutters. A skilled archer, thief and alchemist, she's as resourceful as it gets.


Elaric, the wandering sorcerer, and Alice's husband.

A native from Alinor, he's ditched the impractical ways of magic learning at the tower of sorcery, and a promising future in the council of sages to pursue a more practical approach. Eventually he heets Alice only to loose her after the events of the Greymarch at the shivering Isles.
He has to raise their daughter Cleo on his own, and spends the next 200 years looking for a way to re-open the gate to the Isles.


Cleo, the intrepid daughter.

Raised as an only child, she has learnt everything from her overprotective father, who she loves dearly, but sometimes wishes he would let her go a little more. For a great part of her life she was raised by him with the help of her aunt, but these days she started traveling with him, hoping to find her mother again.


Liliana, the mysterious daughter.

She was born from a genetic experiment, conducted by a mad dwemer scientist, Child of Alice and an off-world adventurer, her mothers never knew of her existence until later, when she started traveling on her own, hoping to find them.
She was raised abomg dwemer artifacts and dangerous creatures, which gave her remarkable skills at technology and staying hidden


Amielle, the niece.

Canonical dragonborn in my timeline. She was not the only one, but with some help, she manages to stop the dragon menace, as well as find the other dragonborns, entering into an uncertain future with the return of these beings.



Malice the Red Queen

An alter ego, spawned during the events of the Greymarch in the Shivering Isles.

Malice represents, Alice's darker half and is characterized by a ruthless and violent nature. Though she's not openly evil, but she's just more willing to eliminate any who cross her path. She rules her portion of the Shivering Isles with iron hand and no one dares to oppose her, least they end up being deprived of their heads.


Edited by Myst42


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