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Update of the last update.



since the last update, things turned out a bit differently, in the end. While I did spend that free week working on my mods, I ended up doing most of the work on Ambient Slaves, where I completed the interiors of the minor hold branches, as well as the vast interior of Fort Anguish, the quarry facility near Dusnikh Yal. All that remains to be done before releasing the update, is populating the fort, what will take a little more time, probably another few days off of work, as my progress is heavily dependent on my energy levels, which, in turn, are determined by the length of any stretch of free time I have at my disposal. Given that most of the time, I only get one day off at a time, progress is fairly slow, again. But not too much work remains to be done on AS, so there is a good chance that at the next session, I'll be able to finish the next version.

As for the Eola mod, considering some difficulties I have run into, making it compatible with the Submissive Lola events and quests, I am considering abandoning the SLR compatibility and dependence for now, and make it a standalone mod which will plug into the new version of AS (i.e. stadalone with regards to SLR. AS will be a requirement). Alternatively, I ma chose to update the Perilous Inn mod. Depending on what will be more fun for me, at the time...

Sorry folks for the unfulfilled promises from my last update. The important thing is, progress, though slow, is being made.


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